The Student Room Group

What % of people that you know do you think dislike you?

Myself, I believe that probably around 50% of the people I know dislike me :redface: . Mainly because I'm opinionated and tend to ignore people I don't like, so understandably they get the hint and dislike me also :p: .

So what percentage of people that you know, do you believe dislike you?
(remember this counts everyone that you know including work colleagues, neighbours and people who are outside your friendship group)

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I reckon at school it was probably around the 10% mark, but at uni and work I reckon it's about 5%. I got on with everyone, just that some of the people I wouldn't go out of my way to keep in contact with.
Reply 2
About 40% maybe.

I dislike about 85% :p:
I hate more people too handy! I think about 30% dislike me but I hate about 50%
Good thread! I'd say I dislike around 60% and am disliked by about the same. It just cuts out small talk with people I dislike!
Reply 5
I don't care if people dislike me. No one has to like anyone else.
Reply 6
probably about 90% :eek: my own family hate me.
1-5% in college

25-50% outside college

Reply 8
i'd say about 30%
Reply 9
Probably about 10%, if that isn't too bigheaded of me. Out of school, even less.
Reply 10
That's a good question!

I guess I'd say I probably dislike around 5% of the people I know, possibly less. I mainly dislike those I feel threatened or intimidated by, or those who act superior over everyone else.

As for the other way round..I can't honestly say. I go to an all girls' school, so there is a fair deal of bitching, which goes much further than a one off fist fight etc.

I generally am a pretty neutral person, I have my own group of friends, and we lie pretty low. I'd probably say that most of the people in my year would either say they don't know me well enough to pass a judgement, and of those who do know me, I'd say around 10% or a bit less maybe dislike me. I'm a bit of a doormat though, so more people probably don't know me so well, than completely dislike me.
Reply 11
In school - 50%

Out of school - 1-5%
0%! I cannot honestly think of anyone i know that hates/dislikes me...they must hide it well!! :p:

I'm sure there must be people out there who genuinely do, but i don't know them.
Reply 13
Probably 15% in my year, and I'd say I dislike 80% of my year.
Reply 14
I don't know of anyone in real life who dislikes me :smile:

Edit: that I still have contact with. :redface:
95% both ways
about 98%. But i have to say, i don't dislike anyone.
Umm I would say about 20% but recently its probably gone up to 40% due to me being depressed and people getting annoyed with my 'moping' :frown:
I dislike: nobody.

Dislikes me: I don't care.

Look at me I'm so hard and cool with all these people hating me man. Why do people hate eachother for absolutely no reason at all? "This person talks to much in lessons, I HATE them!!!"

Um, relax. :eek:
As long as you don't care it's fine.