The Student Room Group


I'm just totally fed up at the moment. I just need to rant, sorry!
My boyfriend and I are taking some 'time apart' because he's very stressed out, and doesn't want to inflict himself upon me. He knows I get upset when he is, and so he says its not fair on me. A sweet gesture, and as far as I can tell, it isnt' a permanent thing. However, its stressing me out that he isn't talking at all to me now! :s-smilie:
And I have two exams this week, which I simply cannot be bothered to revise for, and will subsequently fail. This really isn't like me, I'm normally v.motivated.
And my parents have gone on holiday without me.
And my dog is ill, hasn't eaten for two days and I have to try and get him to take 8 tablets a day.
Oh, and my boyfriend can't/won't come to my prom next week.
And I have toothache, but thats my own stupid fault for eating too much sugar.
I know that none of these are major problems, and compared to what a lot of people go through, they mean absolutely nothing.
I just felt the urge to rant, really. Nice to get it all out :smile:
Reply 1
It's always a good idea to get stuff out like that, no matter how many sarcastic/pseudo-humorous responses you get, hope you feel better soon :smile:
Reply 2
I'm just totally fed up at the moment. I just need to rant, sorry!
My boyfriend and I are taking some 'time apart' because he's very stressed out, and doesn't want to inflict himself upon me. He knows I get upset when he is, and so he says its not fair on me. A sweet gesture, and as far as I can tell, it isnt' a permanent thing. However, its stressing me out that he isn't talking at all to me now! :s-smilie:
And I have two exams this week, which I simply cannot be bothered to revise for, and will subsequently fail. This really isn't like me, I'm normally v.motivated.

have been through the exact same thing, infact, sort of going through it again at the moment. Cant really give you any advice, but just keep your head up & think positive. i know its hard when bf doesnt want to speak, but he isnt doing it to hurt you, hes probably just trying to sort himself out without the extra worry of how you are coping with it.

as for your exams, dont let this mess them up for you!! in a few months, or when you get the results, you'l probably regret messing up your exams over something that (hopefully) ended up being so trivial!
Maybe you could spend some time with friends, or do something that will take your mind off things.
i hope your ok, and if you need to speak to someone thats gone through this.. just message me!
poor u! that sounds really rough!! hope things improve soon! it can be v tiring when loads of things are going wrong at the same time! specially round exam time!!!
Reply 4
Thanks guys :smile: I'm feeling marginally better today. Partly due to the large amount of chocolate I've consumed! Tis nice to have somewhere to rant!