Hmm. I've never crossed the path of an Etonian personally, though I have many friends who have.
I remember this one time when my friend's brother was in a rugby team about to play Prince Harry (he was in the rugby team too...). Their entire rugby team mobbed Harry and aimed their attack against him. Not sure who won but this was at least four/five years ago
Another friend of mine (Medic, Magdalen College, Oxford) met an Etonian at her interview. In the party, he sat in the corner, ignoring everyone and read a book. Hmm. His name was Rudolph (it was December)
It's Cambridge slang - either a music student or someone who spends their whole time doing musical things, be they choir, orchestra, anything like that. Clare is full of them.
My friend went to Eton. Its not a big deal, its a school. I went to prep school with him, he isnt stuck up in anyway. When he came home one summer he brought some friends up, they werer all sound, yes posh but they wern't arrogant in anyway. People forget you only go there for five years, not a long time in the scheme of things.
My friend went to Eton. Its not a big deal, its a school. I went to prep school with him, he isnt stuck up in anyway. When he came home one summer he brought some friends up, they werer all sound, yes posh but they wern't arrogant in anyway. People forget you only go there for five years, not a long time in the scheme of things.
i agree... most etonians aren't up themselves at all, although there will always be stereotypes.
I'm not against them (I love Prince Harry, Will Young and Boris).
umm THE will young you mention actually went to Wellington. There WAS a will young at eton, but not the one who i think you refer to