The Student Room Group

are you really happy?

I've read alot of threads that i can really relate to about feeling like s***, basically - and not being motivated to do anything constructive or perhaps just anythink. Or not being contended (sp?) with your life at the moment i.e. not being where you want to be in life!?

anyone else feeling like this? got any suggestions as to why people (particularly this generation as it seems) perhaps too much pressure on education, to be successful, liked, attractive??

what u all think?

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I'm feeling a bit under pressure at the moment because of uni. There's a lot of pressure to make really good friends really quickly, and at the moment people in my year are all looking for houses for next year and I'm not even sure who I'm going to live with yet, so it's a bit scary on that front. Quite easy to get depressed about it when everyone else seems so sorted. But I guess I'm generally pretty happy.
Reply 2
I personally think our generations lifestyle is 75% of the reason.

We eat very badly, (look up the sweetner aspartame, nasty chemical in most sugar free drinks, and foods)
We drink to much (alcohol is a depressant)
We dont sleep offen enough and regularly
Plus social and university pressure.

But trust me ive done the 9 to 5 and its tedious and boring, and very overrated, so unlikely as it seems try to realise the potential fun to be had at uni, its one of the best times of your life.
Reply 3
I've got to admit I'm never actually 'really happy.'

If everything is going good objectively, I will find something to make my life hell with.

At the moment it's not even going well objectively. Bugger.
Reply 4
I've read alot of threads that i can really relate to about feeling like s***, basically - and not being motivated to do anything constructive or perhaps just anythink. Or not being contended (sp?) with your life at the moment i.e. not being where you want to be in life!?

anyone else feeling like this? got any suggestions as to why people (particularly this generation as it seems) perhaps too much pressure on education, to be successful, liked, attractive??

what u all think?

Happiness is elusive. For that reason I don't see why people make such an effort to be happy.
I've read alot of threads that i can really relate to about feeling like s***, basically - and not being motivated to do anything constructive or perhaps just anythink. Or not being contended (sp?) with your life at the moment i.e. not being where you want to be in life!?

anyone else feeling like this? got any suggestions as to why people (particularly this generation as it seems) perhaps too much pressure on education, to be successful, liked, attractive??

what u all think?

I feel like that :frown:
Reply 6
I rarely feel 'happy happy', but often i do feel quite content with myself. When i feel happy happy it's usually because I'm in love and am led into a false sense of thinking that it is working- then it plummets right down and I feel crap for a while- I think I feel best when I have had a really sociable day without getting annoyed with anyone and feel I'm on top of my work too.
I'm one of those people who is practically always happy... as in, really and truly delighted with life. It does mean that when I get down, it's quite spectacular and involves weeping into a friend's lap, but it's generally short lived. It only happens maybe a couple of times a year, though.
Happiness is but an illusion perpetuated by our own survial instincts to hide us from the true abhorrent nature of the world around us...
All the best! :biggrin:
Reply 9
Yes I feel like this!!!! I didn't go to college today coz I can't be bothered, I missed my bus and it costs anotehr fiver to get in and then I only have 2 lessons, I duno what's wrong with me but I just can't get up lately and I'm going to bed early and I just haven't got the motivation to do anything.

And I'm gettin do fed up bcoz I know I'll faily my A2's but I can't help it, I'm in despair.
Reply 10
I've read alot of threads that i can really relate to about feeling like s***, basically - and not being motivated to do anything constructive or perhaps just anythink. Or not being contended (sp?) with your life at the moment i.e. not being where you want to be in life!?

anyone else feeling like this? got any suggestions as to why people (particularly this generation as it seems) perhaps too much pressure on education, to be successful, liked, attractive??

what u all think?

So so glad it isn't just me who feels like this.
Reply 11
Yes I feel like this!!!! I didn't go to college today coz I can't be bothered, I missed my bus and it costs anotehr fiver to get in and then I only have 2 lessons, I duno what's wrong with me but I just can't get up lately and I'm going to bed early and I just haven't got the motivation to do anything.

And I'm gettin do fed up bcoz I know I'll faily my A2's but I can't help it, I'm in despair.

Whatever happened to self-pride? :s:
And why are you so positively negative about your A2s'?
I find it difficult to be completely 100% happy at at ease and content about everything....I don't know why. It doesn't mean I'm always unhappy, I'm just...neither. I think it can be difficult to get over just being 'ok' or 'good' and tobe 'happy'....and I don't understand why. Technically nothing is *reall* wrong with my life, I have similar issues to most other people yet still......not happy and there's people so much worse off, I jsut don't get it!
I've never been really happy, odd periods where everything seems to be going good and then I would consider myself happyish.
At the momet I'm as far from happy as you can get :frown: :p:
Reply 14
I find it difficult to be completely 100% happy at at ease and content about everything....I don't know why. It doesn't mean I'm always unhappy, I'm just...neither. I think it can be difficult to get over just being 'ok' or 'good' and tobe 'happy'....and I don't understand why. Technically nothing is *reall* wrong with my life, I have similar issues to most other people yet still......not happy and there's people so much worse off, I jsut don't get it!

Could it be that people are expecting too much from life? Take it back to basics. Ask yourself what your goals are, how you intend to set about achieving those goals, both in your personal and professional (educational) life. But, and this is where a number of people fall down - be realistic in what you think you can achieve, and if necessary, adjust your goals to facilitate the achievement of them.
Be positive over what you can achieve. Do not be negative about what you can't.
Reply 15
I'd say in general I'm happy enough with my life, and I kinda feel like I *should* be happy since everything's going pretty well at the moment. But then every now and then I get depressed and stressed and start worrying about the future and entrance exams and uni and money and so on, which mostly is just me making a huge deal about it in my head when it really isn't and this gets me down. Sometimes it gets to the point where nothing seems to go right and things would just be better if I could take a day or two 'off', but that isn't possible so the problems get dragged on for a longer period of time and build up.
Tbh im grossly unhappy at uni, far happier in the summer and other breaks when im back at home or travelling - its not worked at for me at uni - been a social disaster, and hmm, immense apathy for education, lethargy too. I know i will be presented with a fresh start in 4 months time when i finally finish uni, so im only feeling content now knowing that there is a fresh start to be grasped at and i have confidence in myself, physically and mentally, that i will make good use of it.

The perplexing thing is, if you've known and epitomized an unhappy self for sometime, you can sometimes not know what happiness is and feels like, i.e. slightly unhappy for you is your 'happy' so hmm yes, don't get lulled into this rather sad definition. And of course, when you feel some real happiness, you absolutely love it, crave for it, but get kind of down because you know in the current scheme of things, it may be quite some time till you grasp some happiness again. Basically i've not had good time at uni, for a whole host of reasons, many out of my own control, and i'm content only in that i know i will be out of uni in four months and away from 3 housemates that have dragged me down a little (they're people i've learnt that are intrinsically not nice people). I want to graduate, leave and forget and move on.
Reply 17
its not worked at for me at uni - been a social disaster, and hmm, immense apathy for education, lethargy too.

3 negatives, although later in your post there were postives to counter-balance the above.
Are the three related in any way i.e. was the 'apathy for education' a result of 'social disasters', or are they totally independent?
Reply 18
more than the OP i guess

in bridget jones 1 , shes says that its a truth universally acknowledged that as soon as one part of your life starts going ok, another part completely falls apart, and that is something i completely agree with.
3 negatives, although later in your post there were postives to counter-balance the above.
Are the three related in any way i.e. was the 'apathy for education' a result of 'social disasters', or are they totally independent?

they're all linked, i know i would have far less apathy and lethargy regarding education had it not been for the 'social disasters' - it's difficult for me to say exactly how much apathy and lethargy i would have if my social life did resemble something, maybe still some because i don't like what i feel is an artificial context to the seminar atmosphere, i.e. manufactured conditions, reading lists, too stifling and claustrophic context of learning etc.

I think i have so much largely, 80% because of my (lack of) social life here.