The Student Room Group

Me & my body - please help

Hey, im a guy, 15 nearing 16th birthday. I have a terrible insecurity that i will never overcome : My body. Its ironic that people praise me because i am slim i have a 28 inch waist and i have good muscle tone/six pack and all that, but i really am getting sick because its almost like a repetitive cycle. Occasionally i get a blemish which usually goes and leaves a dark mark. I have some on my shoulders and now on my chest. It makes me self conscious and i cant remember the last time i had no shirt on in public. They just make me feel like crap and i dont know what to do. I wish i knew why they were there i dont know anyone else with them. It's really distorting i guess and damaging to my self esteem.
Go see a dermatologist if it bothers you that much... :redface:
Hey, im a guy, 15 nearing 16th birthday. I have a terrible insecurity that i will never overcome : My body. Its ironic that people praise me because i am slim i have a 28 inch waist and i have good muscle tone/six pack and all that, but i really am getting sick because its almost like a repetitive cycle. Occasionally i get a blemish which usually goes and leaves a dark mark. I have some on my shoulders and now on my chest. It makes me self conscious and i cant remember the last time i had no shirt on in public. They just make me feel like crap and i dont know what to do. I wish i knew why they were there i dont know anyone else with them. It's really distorting i guess and damaging to my self esteem.

Think yourself lucky that at your blemishes are only occasional... for a 15 year old guy, that is unusual. Lots of people your age have acne all over their backs, which leaves permanent scars.
Reply 3
blah. everone gets blemishes.. and yeah, as the above poster said, at least they aren't there all the time. i would give anything to have perfect skin, but my forehead especially gets covered... thankfully my fringe covers them up. as for you, you seem to have them under where you wear clothes, and as you live in england, you probably won't be taking your top off for another few months anyway.
i really think you should stop being so paranoid and just be thankful that you don't have severe acne all over your back and/or face.
Reply 4
Change the sheets on your bed more than once a week and it should keep blemishs to a minimum, i wish i had discovered this when i was 15. Also get some cotton sheets instead of synthetic because they are more absorbant and therefore you aren't going to sleep in a bed of sweat.
blah. everone gets blemishes.. and yeah, as the above poster said, at least they aren't there all the time. i would give anything to have perfect skin, but my forehead especially gets covered... thankfully my fringe covers them up. as for you, you seem to have them under where you wear clothes, and as you live in england, you probably won't be taking your top off for another few months anyway.
i really think you should stop being so paranoid and just be thankful that you don't have severe acne all over your back and/or face.

True, but some people find them harder to cope with than others, although I think it's mostly a psychological thing tying in with self esteem levels. Personally, I feel I should be grateful I don't get severe acne or something, but the blemishes I do get on occasion make me so embarrassed I sometimes refuse to leave the house :frown: :rolleyes:
please dont worry

i know its hard..but try and act like they are not there..if you act like you dont notice them i think youll find that even if people do notice them will brush over it really quickly

it took me a while to work this out..before when i had spots i used to hang my head not look people in the eye , refuse to go out, miss out on all the fun etc..then i thought **** this i just acted normally, somtimes peoples eyes flash on a spot while they were talking to you...but not often..(they always look so much worse in our heads) and even if they do i notice they just carry on normally...only superficial people witll think worse of you......i made so many friends during this period in my life when i just stopped caring ....honestly people that age are mostly all in the same boat..they know what a spot is like!..your everyones proabbly are getting jelous glances from people with worse skin...

just try and relax,