The Student Room Group

is what i am doing right?

well for starters im not stupid and i know i am doing wrong
so please don't judge me lol
i know your skeptic minds :tongue:

i have a boyfriend ..3 months
and my ex came back from uni and we have been talking and i was scared to tell him i had a boyfriend ..
bdcause i still have these uncontrollable feelings for him
which can't be helped
and i emailed him saying that i love him n ..blah blah blah
and my boyfriend read my messages
and saw it
and i made up this terrible lie
which he believes..allthough still not entirely ok tho
and i really want my ex(alex)
back i like him so...
but i feel really extreamly guilty to break up with dan(current bf)
so i feel extreamly ****
and i have no idea what to do
plz help?
:confused: :confused: :confused:
Reply 1
From a guy POV, I'd be more annoyed if you continued trying to make things work with me while you wanted this other guy, then either broke it off another couple of months down the road when you can't take it anymore, or went behind my back and saw him, instead of having the situation explained to me and having it broken off.

You've got to be cruel to be kind sometimes I guess. But this'd be better in H&R.
Reply 2
I agree with King Leigh that going behind his back isn't a good idea.
First of all though I think you should make sure you are *completely* sure that you want your ex back, I mean why did you break up in the first place? Coz you may need to think about that. Because it seems like you're saying you still have feelings for your ex but does he honestly feel the same way?
I'd make sure of these things before you actually do anything.
And lying to your boyfriend wasn't the right thing to do although I can kinda see why you did it.
Wrong sub-forum.
If you know it's wrong then why do it? You're hurting other people because you're too scared to take responsibility, it's a bit sad.
Reply 5
Sweet Adeline
If you know it's wrong then why do it? You're hurting other people because you're too scared to take responsibility, it's a bit sad.

bit quick to pass judgement!!

people are going to get hurt in the kind of situation in my opinion anyways. i just got back with my ex boyfriend because i still had feelings for him, but i broke up with the guy i had been seeing since him a couple of weeks earlier. he is still however hurt that i dumped him.

in my opinion you should try and make your mind up soon, but it sounds to me like this guy dan is not making you as happy as your ex did... it also kind of depends why you and your ex broke up. if its over something which isnt going to change like differences in personality then maybe not, but it sounds to me like you dont really want to be with ur current boyf anyway

either way good luck, i have a feeling youll be needing it!
So dump your BF and get back with the EX.
After what you've said about blokes, you come across as nothing but a hypocritical skank. I pity your current boyfriend for wanting to be with you. Here's what to do:

.Turn your oven on to full
.Wait for five minutes
.Stick you head inside it
.Don't move
Reply 8
After what you've said about blokes, you come across as nothing but a hypocritical skank. I pity your current boyfriend for wanting to be with you. Here's what to do:

.Turn your oven on to full
.Wait for five minutes
.Stick you head inside it
.Don't move

you forgot "close the oven door as much as possible". wouldnt want to waste heat now would we? :wink:
well for starters im not stupid and i know i am doing wrong
so please don't judge me lol
i know your skeptic minds :tongue:

i have a boyfriend ..3 months
and my ex came back from uni and we have been talking and i was scared to tell him i had a boyfriend ..
bdcause i still have these uncontrollable feelings for him
which can't be helped
and i emailed him saying that i love him n ..blah blah blah
and my boyfriend read my messages
and saw it
and i made up this terrible lie
which he believes..allthough still not entirely ok tho
and i really want my ex(alex)
back i like him so...
but i feel really extreamly guilty to break up with dan(current bf)
so i feel extreamly ****
and i have no idea what to do
plz help?
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Go with your heart. Theres no point going on with a relationship just because you feel bad about ending it. Thats hardly the way to a successful relationship. If you like your ex more then go for it. At the end of the day the guy would always rather you were honest rather than staying with him out of pity :smile:
you forgot "close the oven door as much as possible". wouldnt want to waste heat now would we?


My conscience is beginning to get the better of me; my last comment wasn't meant in as harsh a way as it may have sounded. I just see it as despicable hypocrisy, that you come on here ranting about men being pricks, only to suddenly reveal this, asking us not to judge you (besides the overwhelming levels of irony surrounding you saying that, a degree of judgement is inevitable, when asked to analyse a situation such as this). I'm not the sort to attempt to judge a person's whole personality in accordance with a few things they've said, but, at the very least, you come across as smug, and subscribing to the 'All men are bastards, but women can do no wrong, because, well, we're women' way of thinking (which is becoming depressingly common).

Predictably, the replies have, in the main, been of a calm nature; rather than facing ridicule for what is surely an immoral act, she is merely given advice, as to what to do for her own benefit; everything is looked at from the woman's point of view, without any mention as to how unfair it is on her partner. The world's going ****ing mad.

Go with your heart. Theres no point going on with a relationship just because you feel bad about ending it. Thats hardly the way to a successful relationship. If you like your ex more then go for it. At the end of the day the guy would always rather you were honest rather than staying with him out of pity

Awwww, bless her!

If you know it's wrong then why do it? You're hurting other people because you're too scared to take responsibility, it's a bit sad.

Now that's more like it; I'm seeing an increasing amount of decency in foreign women.
Reply 11
well for starters im not stupid and i know i am doing wrong
so please don't judge me lol
i know your skeptic minds :tongue:

i have a boyfriend ..3 months
and my ex came back from uni and we have been talking and i was scared to tell him i had a boyfriend ..
bdcause i still have these uncontrollable feelings for him
which can't be helped
and i emailed him saying that i love him n ..blah blah blah
and my boyfriend read my messages
and saw it
and i made up this terrible lie
which he believes..allthough still not entirely ok tho
and i really want my ex(alex)
back i like him so...
but i feel really extreamly guilty to break up with dan(current bf)
so i feel extreamly ****
and i have no idea what to do
plz help?
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Grow yourself a penis so that you might more readily conform to your own stereotype of the opposite sex.