The Student Room Group

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

I feel like I have the symptoms of IBS. For the last 5 years or so I have had reoccuring stomach aches, esp. after eating. I.e. I eat something (normally something bigger, like proper dinner) and then, about 10-60 min later I would get stomach cramps and have diarreha.
About a year ago, while I was out clubbing, I started having these cramps, and went straight home. Nothing happend. But then I had to go to the bathroom, it was so painful (in my stomach). Blood came out.

That was the only time this ever happened and I didn't go to see a doctor.
But is this in line with IBS?
Reply 1
It would be an unusual presentation for IBS, but it is a possibility. However the fact that it is brought on by food and the blood (blood is very uncommon in uncomplicated IBS) suggests that it could be something else - go see your GP :wink:
It depends. I mean if you have constipation with your IBS you could have torn the lining of your return trying to pass faeces. So in that situation it could be related to your IBS. But it could perhaps be a bleeding ulcer in your stomach or something like that. Either way blood in your faecal matter can be a sign of something serious and you really need to consult a doctor.
Reply 3
It depends. I mean if you have constipation with your IBS you could have torn the lining of your return trying to pass faeces.

Erm yes, which is why bleeding is uncommon in uncomplicated IBS. Plus the OP is describing diahorrea rather than constipation
I feel like I have the symptoms of IBS. For the last 5 years or so I have had reoccuring stomach aches, esp. after eating. I.e. I eat something (normally something bigger, like proper dinner) and then, about 10-60 min later I would get stomach cramps and have diarreha.
About a year ago, while I was out clubbing, I started having these cramps, and went straight home. Nothing happend. But then I had to go to the bathroom, it was so painful (in my stomach). Blood came out.

That was the only time this ever happened and I didn't go to see a doctor.
But is this in line with IBS?[/QUO

This sounds like Crohns disease which my mum has-you should get it checked out.
Erm yes, which is why bleeding is uncommon in uncomplicated IBS. Plus the OP is describing diahorrea rather than constipation

Emm, no he/she said she often got IBS cramps then diahorrea but on this occassion they said: "I started having these cramps, and went straight home. Nothing happend. But then I had to go to the bathroom, it was so painful (in my stomach). Blood came out." The "nothing happened" seemed to indicate that they did not have the usual diahorrea but it was very unclear. Hence why I said that it "DEPENDED".

Also many people get either consipation or diahorrea have alternating symptons. I never get constipated but my father claims he does. He also gets blood in his stool and the doctors put it down to rips in the lining of the return probably caused by trying to force things, after they had down some testing and ruled other causes out. If you go to pretty much any internet site you will find that conspitation is one or the very varying symptoms of IBS but it really it really DEPENDS on the person. You can't diagnose this on the net you have to go to the doctor.
Reply 6
If you're straining when you go to the toliet and then you get bright red blood coming out it could be piles:
Blood will NEVER come out as a result of IBS. NEVER EVER EVER.
Theres no if buts or maybes. It will never happen.
You have either got a different disease - Crohns, or ulcerative colitis for example, or you do have IBS and happened to have another problem that day like a bit of bleeding related to straining/hard poo (it chafes as it comes out to make you bleed).
Reply 8

I am well aware that constipation and diahorrea are features of IBS, but as I originally stated, and the poster above states, bleeding is never a feature of uncomplicated IBS - and is indicative of either other pathology (likely) or poorly managed constipation-prevalent IBS.

Other than the pain/diahorrea (which could be caused by a huge number of things) there is nothing to point specifically to IBS. As the pain seems localised and related to food which again suggest alternative diagnoses (or at least possibilities).

I am not saying it isn't IBS, but without further info it is impossible to rule out almost any gastrointestinal disease. Which is why I suggest the OP see their GP if it is concerning them.
Reply 9
I went to see a doctor and all they did was a blood test (to rule out other more worrying diseases) and then gave me some tabs. See the doctor although dont expect fantastic miracle cures if it is IBS. Blood in faeces is never good...although I remember hearing something about the colour of the blood being important. Bright red suggests new, likely to be from a rip in the rectum or something, whereas darker, brown blood suggests its older and probably from further up the system. Dont know if this is 100% true, but it does make sense
Reply 10
I remember hearing something about the colour of the blood being important. Bright red suggests new, likely to be from a rip in the rectum or something, whereas darker, brown blood suggests its older and probably from further up the system. Dont know if this is 100% true, but it does make sense

Yeah that's true. A bleed further up from the rectum will tend to give darker blood, as it is digested and mixed with the stool.

Was it bright blood?
Slightly off topic, is anyone who suffers from IBS worried insanely about Uni?
Reply 12
Your symptoms sound quite severe for IBS. Bad stomach cramps shortly after eating, urgent diarrhoea and blood in stools can be symptoms of Crohns disease, so you should really see a doctor to get checked out. If it is something like Crohns or colitiis it can get very serious if it goes untreated.
Your symptoms sound quite severe for IBS. Bad stomach cramps shortly after eating, urgent diarrhoea and blood in stools can be symptoms of Crohns disease. I know IBS varies a lot between people, but I have IBS and my brother has Crohns and your symptoms sound much more like his than mine, so you should really see a doctor to get checked out. If it is something like Crohns or colitiis it can get very serious if it goes untreated.
Reply 14
Yes, do get it checked out. I had bad pain in my stomach and when going to the toilet before I was diagnosed with crohn's. Even if it isn't crohn's, definitely get it checked out as soon as possible.
flora...did you mean to post twice...or did you just mean to post anonymously all along
Reply 16
I am the OP. The blood incident was once, in December 2004. Never again after that.