The Student Room Group

College of St Hild and St Bede

hello therrrrr,

i have received an offer for history and modern langs for this college and dont know anything about it other than that its the biggest one. (i applied to chads) i cant find anything much about it on TSR so was wondering if anyone kind enough would help me out and give me some info preferably on the following

1) quality of accommodation/food
2) friendliness of people
3) social life/events/calendar
4) college bar
5) dining hall- is it just a canteen or is it pretty?
6) whether there are many stunning/relatively attractive males (my college has none of either so was looking forward to uni in the hope there would be more talent- pls enlighten me!)

any current students or people with friends there etc please give any info regardless of how seemingly useless it is. i need to make a choice whether to accept or not but cant make it to the open days. i've been for a look round but didn't find much out (it was a sunday and not many ppl were around)

thanks xxxxxx

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Reply 2
why thank you arkbar that was most helpful :biggrin:

mischa xxxxxxxxx

1) quality of accommodation/food
2) friendliness of people
3) social life/events/calendar
4) college bar
5) dining hall- is it just a canteen or is it pretty?
6) whether there are many stunning/relatively attractive males (my college has none of either so was looking forward to uni in the hope there would be more talent- pls enlighten me!)

1) The accomodation is generally of a pretty decent standard, the block I live in (Christopher) is known as the worst block in college but it's really not that bad, and is supposedly getting renovated over the summer. College are selling off some of the out-houses next year so there is a greater chance you'll be in one of the main college blocks, which is a good thing, in my opinion anyway.

2) The people are awesome.

3) The social calendar is great, last year I think we were the only college who had Fresher's Fortnight instead of just Fresher's Week, there were four formals first term, and 3 this term, so they are nicely spread out and rare enough to feel special. The Christmas Ball was absolutely amazing and the Summer Ball is reputed to be even better...

4) The college bar has just been renovated, now featuring comfortable sofas and an awesome mp3 jukebox, I would definately say it was one of the nicer college bars...

5) The dining hall is just a canteen. It's not exciting, neither is the food.

6) They're not really to my taste but you might like them...
Reply 4
i have received an offer for history and modern langs for this college and dont know anything about it other than that its the biggest one.

Cuths is actually the college with the largest undergraduate body...
Sorry, just had to say that :rolleyes:
Hild Bede seems really nice though, my friends that go there seem to have a great time:smile:
Reply 5
Cuths is actually the college with the largest undergraduate body...
Sorry, just had to say that :rolleyes:
Hild Bede seems really nice though, my friends that go there seem to have a great time:smile:

Cuths is actually not a college...

Sorry, just had to say that :wink:
Reply 6
Reply 7
1) The accomodation is generally of a pretty decent standard, the block I live in (Christopher) is known as the worst block in college but it's really not that bad, and is supposedly getting renovated over the summer. College are selling off some of the out-houses next year so there is a greater chance you'll be in one of the main college blocks, which is a good thing, in my opinion anyway.

2) The people are awesome.

3) The social calendar is great, last year I think we were the only college who had Fresher's Fortnight instead of just Fresher's Week, there were four formals first term, and 3 this term, so they are nicely spread out and rare enough to feel special. The Christmas Ball was absolutely amazing and the Summer Ball is reputed to be even better...

4) The college bar has just been renovated, now featuring comfortable sofas and an awesome mp3 jukebox, I would definately say it was one of the nicer college bars...

5) The dining hall is just a canteen. It's not exciting, neither is the food.

6) They're not really to my taste but you might like them...

ahh thanks a lot that was really helpful, the balls really interest me as do the formals n stuff, was hoping for a harry potter style dining hall (!) but i spose we cant have it all! you said that accommodation is of a fairly decent standard, do you mean size wise or layout (?! no i dont really know what i mean by that either) or cleanliness.....perhaps? :confused:
Reply 8
was hoping for a harry potter style dining hall (!)

We have one of those! :biggrin:
Reply 9
I think we're pretty much the only college that does though aren't we?
I agree with everything ForeverDecember said, with emphasis on just how great the people and the social calendar are (and even extra emphasis on the social side). The social side is fantastically orgasmic because it means so many different things to so many different people. I know people who have a close group of friends and don't socialise at all; I know people on every other different part of the scale all the way up to those who just can't get enough.

I'd also add that the college spirit is second to none, because we're the biggest and we're 'away'* from other colleges so we have our own internal community that's really flexible to whatever you want from it.

* - the 'out of the wayness' of Hild Bede.

It's a joke. It's quite far from other colleges. True. Yet it is only 7 minutes from the town centre and lectures at Elvet. Hill colleges are further away from the town and Elvet than that, granted Bailey colleges are very central, I'm not saying we are, I'm just saying we're not out of the way.

It's basically just an illusion because there isn't another college near us and we're the other side of town to the hill colleges, so people from other colleges don't come to us/walk past us much.

Conclusion: Hild Bede rocks.
I concur :smile:

I hope they aren't selling off Gables next year!!! This house rules.
Reply 12
hey, got an offer from hild bede a couple of weeks ago. Been looking at the threads concerning living arrangements and it appears that shared rooms ae fairly common in most of the colleges.

Just wondered how much of the hild bede accomodation is shared and what is actaully meant by this.

Does this mean a room shared with one single "bedroom", thus no privacy! OR
Does this mean a room shared such as a lounge area with two seperate bedrooms?

I dont like the idea of the former, and hoping therefore it is not the case. I was hoping for my girlfriend to come and stay once every couple of weeks, can't see that being as much fun if there is only one bedroom.

I also assume that if you are sharing with one person, it is likely to be with a person of the same sex, i wouldn;t want my g/f to be jealous of me!!

I hope there is somebody out there who can help,


I was at Hild Bede yesterday playing a badminton match and i must say, the college is in a really lovely setting - next to the river, plenty of trees and greenery.
Shared rooms are one room with two beds...this is student accomodation not a hotel get to justify why you want a single room when you get your accomodation pack so you can tell them all about your girlfriend issues...As it happens, I think most of the shared rooms are in the outhouses as opposed to the four main blocks and they are selling off a few of the outhouses this year so the chances of getting a single room will increase...
Reply 15
I was at Hild Bede yesterday playing a badminton match and i must say, the college is in a really lovely setting - next to the river, plenty of trees and greenery.
Personal preferences, surely!

I would sooner live in an industrial waste DUMP.
Reply 16
Or 'Collingwood' as it's better known...
Reply 17
No, I said I would rather live in a waste dump.

Should have gone to Mildert, clearly.

NB-you have to trawl through an ocean of bins to get to your bar:wink:
Personal preferences, surely!

I would sooner live in an industrial waste DUMP.

Erm, surely the statement "next to the river, plenty of trees and greenery" is a statement of fact, and therefore anything but personal preference...
Reply 19
Whether you like it or not, is surely personal preference... and she expressed a penchant for the greenery and othersuch bloat. BLOAT.

And infact while we are being pedantic, Im not sure the dominant colour about the college is actually green...


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