Coursework is the most stressful way of examining someone, you have no fixied amount of work to do within a certain time, you can usually do it at your own leisure and when dday aproaches, you still have to catch up. You start to feel a huge amount of pressure put upon you when you start to get deadlines, and when you have to modify the coursework etc.
The way of avoiding coursework stress is obvious, you arrange each part of the coursework so that you do a bit, but everyday (or similar) If its something like ICT, where you have spec, design, implementation whatever, this is the best way of sorting it all out. If its something like english coursework, plan it out, get the info, then do the whole thing the next day
It has been found that for girls; music, talking with friends, hot baths and smoking are best ways to cope with stress, and for boys;. working out, music, 'controlling your own temper' and drinking is the best way.
But people handle stress differently, personality plays a big role and people do different things and get different senses of satisfaction from them, so basically, do whatever makes you feel good, relaxed and distant from the source of the stress
PS: sorry if this seems like an essay, but im genuinly trying to help ;P