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how the hell do us girls banish cellulite?- i hate it with a passion and heard that the only way is through exercise- any truth in this?

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oh for the love of said you were 'ridiculously skinny' a matter of minutes ago
Reply 2
erm yeah- doesn't stop us getting cellulite though!!! u ignorant person u!
oh for the love of said you were 'ridiculously skinny' a matter of minutes ago

You can be skinny and still have cellulite... hey, some models actually have cellulite *shrugs*
Reply 4
In which case.. dry body brushing, less coffee/cigs if you're partial to them, super healthy food, sleep and uber quantites of H2o...should help matters
oh for the love of said you were 'ridiculously skinny' a matter of minutes ago

Reply 6
oh my god. cellulite is something invented by the cosmetic industry to make you feel bad about yourself and so you buy rediculous products to "draw out the toxins".

Yes, some women don't have it, but then, some women don't have moles. Fat is stored on your legs, thighs and hips because you are a woman, and is directly related to your fertility. Flesh - It holds your bones in. You may as wel be complaining that you have arms.

I am afraid I have absolutely NO sympathy for people who whinge about having cellulite or for having a fat arse or whatever. You live in a country which is relatively peaceful, have enough to eat and are wealthy enough to afford a computer and the internet. How dare you be so selfish?
^ You can still appreciate the luxuries you have (food, money etc) and be worried about your appearance, thats nothing bad! Being vain though, is just lame!
Reply 8
^ You can still appreciate the luxuries you have (food, money etc) and be worried about your appearance, thats nothing bad! Being vain though, is just lame!

Come on! Of course its bad. The only reason she is worried is cos some magazine told her it was bad. Its such a stupid female thing to be worried about. Why not whinge about the length of your eyelashes?
Reply 9
Come on! Of course its bad. The only reason she is worried is cos some magazine told her it was bad. Its such a stupid female thing to be worried about. Why not whinge about the length of your eyelashes?

:redface: i always do :redface:
Come on! Of course its bad. The only reason she is worried is cos some magazine told her it was bad. Its such a stupid female thing to be worried about. Why not whinge about the length of your eyelashes?

Or maybe she thinks she doesnt look good? :rolleyes: Yes i agree people being obsessed about their appearance, is stupid but being concerned about your image doesnt necessarily have to be bad and a stupid female thing. Im sure you sometimes get worried about something on your body.. even just that one time! :cool:
Reply 11
I have to say I tend to agree with segat. Most men barely know what it is, and it's really not noticeable on most people who are hugely paranoid. And most of the treatments are just expensive wastes of your money.
Reply 12
I always thought it was only like old people that got cellulite? :rolleyes:
^ everyone has it, its just more visible on some
Reply 14
I have to say I tend to agree with segat. Most men barely know what it is, and it's really not noticeable on most people who are hugely paranoid. And most of the treatments are just expensive wastes of your money.
Thank you.

I got over worrying about my appearance when I realised there was sweet fa I could do about it without paying some surgeon to carve me up and paying for the priviledge of doing so. And the only reason I would want to do that is some god awful magazine would tell me i had a huge arse or a dimply thigh.

Things I have learned in my 25 years:

People like you for you.
Your body shape is largely defined by your genes. Thanks mum.
People who think you have a fat arse are clearly deranged and not worth your time anyway.
Cosmetics companies make billions telling you lies about your fat arse.
Men like women naked. They don't care if you have a dimple on your fat arse. They are thrilled you took your clothes off. And possibly have beer.

If you have an image problem I suggest you get a book called Real Gorgeous by Kaz Cook and failing that The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf.
Reply 15
They have these rollers, like deodorant ones but rounder. It smells of lemon and costs about €10 if I remember correctly. You see a result the next morning and the one after that and the one after that.
Then it stops changing really, and after a week it's back. :rolleyes: So obv. you'd need to exercise as well. But yeah if you plan on going for a swim in 2 days or sth and you're embarrassed, it's really good.
Reply 16
I was reading in a mag about the different stages of cellulite...and basically if youve not got it too bad, then like everyones saying its not worth worrying about, but when its bad, it can make a difference to your life. I have it quite bad (due to a bad diet as much as anything!) and i know it affects what i do. For example I dont like swimming and things cos it shows.... but then again its something we just have to deal with.
And yes, I agree there are worse things in the world, but when weve got things as easy as we have, its only natural to worry about less important things. Thats my opinion anyway
Reply 17

Things I have learned in my 25 years:

People like you for you.
Your body shape is largely defined by your genes. Thanks mum.
People who think you have a fat arse are clearly deranged and not worth your time anyway.
Cosmetics companies make billions telling you lies about your fat arse.
Men like women naked. They don't care if you have a dimple on your fat arse. They are thrilled you took your clothes off. And possibly have beer.

That has seriously made my day... thank you!!! :biggrin:
Reply 18
im size 8 clothes and i get it.

i find the one and only way to long term rid yourself of it is to lower your body fat % .

i dont mean eat less. ands i dont mean work out more. i mean combine muscle increasing excersise with cardio, and low fat medium calorie diet. use a body fat monitor to check progress. its the only way.

skinny girls can have ahigh body fat % and therefore cellulite. same way an 18 stone woman might me muscly and have no cellulite
Reply 19
oh my god. cellulite is something invented by the cosmetic industry to make you feel bad about yourself and so you buy rediculous products to "draw out the toxins".

Yes, some women don't have it, but then, some women don't have moles. Fat is stored on your legs, thighs and hips because you are a woman, and is directly related to your fertility. Flesh - It holds your bones in. You may as wel be complaining that you have arms.

I am afraid I have absolutely NO sympathy for people who whinge about having cellulite or for having a fat arse or whatever. You live in a country which is relatively peaceful, have enough to eat and are wealthy enough to afford a computer and the internet. How dare you be so selfish?

Two words
first of all, you surely want to change stuff that you don't find pretty about yourself cause if you didn't you wont be relaxed and happy,ame as changing some bad habbits, and yes if you have an ugly mole you remove it, try to fade it with foundation or other cosmatic products, that don't make you selffish in anymeans ,cellulite are not a nice thing , it's lumps of fat hanging from you so surely most of girls hate the way they look, trying to lie to yourself and think it's a normal thing just because you disagree with the media is not going to make it normal, some girls have them others dont.when they are not there it's prettier
enough is said!:mad: :mad: