The Student Room Group

Ex boyfriend

Hey everyone,
I'm just posting cos im really quite confused atm. My boyfriend broke up with me a couple of months ago, and i know in theory that i should be well and truely over him by now. And i was, until recently. I was really caught up over him when he first broke up with me, but after i while i began to resent him slightly, and after a drunken night together (:confused: ) i decided i really was fed up of him. I was fed up of our friendship and he constantly tried to argue with me. However recently, things have been a bit weirder. He's started being really nice to me and really quite flirty. He's like this generally, but i feel things are a bit differnt just now. Especially since ive started to think about him again, wheras a few weeks ago i wasnt at all. Im just really confused. He makes hints about us in the future being together, and when i saw him at a party a few weeks back he seemed differnt with me... kinda like he liked me again. I dont know and i dont want to be jumping to any conclusions. I just dont understand what this is all about. Do you think he has feelings for me again? Or he just doesnt want me to go out and be with other guys? I think maybe seeing me confident and single has hit a few nerves for him as i was always quite dependant on him. I really dont know! He's invited me to a formal night out one of his friends is throwing as his date, should i go?? We're quite close as friends and i think that is why he's asked me. Im just really confused by him.
Reply 1
Just remember there was a reason you split up, and get on with life. He probably is just jealous. Guys have funny ways of showing it.
Reply 2
I wouldn't bother going if I was you. I had this with an ex once and there really isn't a point, like the person above said you broke up for a reason.
heyy same thing happened to me..turned out he wanted one thing..whcih he got out of my best friend who has the title hoez? forget him..move on