The Student Room Group
It's a greeny yellow sugary soft drink....they drink it like it's water out there.

We get it here in Ireland but it's not v. popular
I believe it's an American product. It's like a glucose drink with varied flavours.
It's like lucozade in this country.
I tried them before...I love it...tastes nice:smile:
Reply 4
I've had it quite a bit in Florida, and it's pretty nice. Basically, it's the same as Lucozade - a rehydrating and "re-energising" drink.

I've seen it on sale in Sainsbury's here once in about the last 5 years - it didn't stay long...
Reply 5
Gatorade is like water to American athletes. I played 3 different sports in high school, and baseball in college, and Gatorade is more common than water. For example, at the end of a double header in the dugout on a hot day, you could honestly probably pick up close to 50 empty Gatorade bottles. In that same pile you might find 2 Powerade bottles. Powerade has a lot more sugar than Gatorade does. It leaves you dehydrated faster for this reason. It’s not just for athletes, though. My Grand father used to work for a local power comapny as a lineman. Being outside all day long in the heat (Temps in Nebraska can get into the 110-120 range in the summer during heat waves with heat indexes in the 120's) sometimes you can’t drink enough water to keep up. But, Gatorade honestly does keep you hydrated longer. It also has Carbohydrates, which give you energy when you need it. Gatorade is God’s gift to athletes.
Gatorade is considered to be the most effective isotonic drink for fluid and mineral rehydration by sports scientists.

I love Gatorade it rocks. Definitely better than Powerade which has a higher glucose content as Rusty stated.

As for being like Lucozade. Well its only like Lucozade in the fact Lucozade do produce a isotonic drink. However one of their products contians something like 17% sugar and is specfically for simple carbohydrate ingestion; just for energy, not hydration. And they don't taste like each other.
Reply 7
Thanks guys/girls :smile:
Reply 8
its the best drink ever.
Reply 9
Tis very very good