My course is going fine and my marks are pretty decent considering my total lack of effort (something which has plagued me forever)
However socially, I'm a bit bored. I have a small circle of mates here who all seem to have become really dull in 2nd year. You might assume that I'm the sort of twát that's always pressuring people to go out and such, but I'm not - I'd be more than happy with once, maybe twice, a week. But it seems virtually impossible to get them to do anything and when they do, they just seem to sit around looking miserable and complain about the music being played or some other minor flaw. Either way, it's not exactly fun.
It's also fairly static in that I'm not meeting new people. Rather inconvenient as I'm in one of those 'I want a relationship' modes right now that I get occasionally (something to do with the movements of the moon or something, I imagine) and I've ruled out all my friends on that front. So yes, bugger all.