The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Big Dilemma:

Which uni: ICL or UCL or KCL, will be good for Maths and Computer Science???

Can't decide got offers from all...

I would go to ICL, it's in a very nice place in London and even the grotty halls are nice compared to others i've seen at LSE and Warwick. They are very into their computers there...
Reply 2
why isnt anyone telling me therir views??
Reply 3
I would say Imperial too because it's got a better reputation than the other two, good for sciences & maths.
Reply 4
ICL or UCL...
Reply 5
ICL, it is "the" place to be for Comp Sci. It's comp sci department is unrivaled! You'll find if you go to the others you will meet a whole bunch of people who were rejected from ICL
I applied an got offers for Comp sci from the three you have mentioned also. I have chosen ICL as my firm. When I visited both UCL and KCL, people there had chosen them because they had been rejected from ICL. Which would indicate ICL is better.
Not sure about maths though, but since ICL is a science specialist anyway I think the maths is *very* good there.

Of course there is the whole "other factors" bit which you've gotta consider---:>accomodation, social life etc
Reply 6
Sheerly on academics, Imperial. However, if you would prefer to study/live with a more diverse range of students, then I'd choose UCL.