Hiya everyone,
Hope this doesn't sound too sad but I really need to say it.
I am at uni, and I have never really had a proper gf before. I'm not into pubs and clubs much, which could be one of the reasons for no gf lol.
I've always been pretty happy single, but now it's really bugging me and I'm worried I'm never going to meet anyone I'm truly happy with. All the people I've met and liked always tend to be in relationships which makes it even worse! lol
What with valentines day coming up soon, I'm starting to feel pretty low. A lot of people meet their partners in clubs and stuff but I'm not into that, and I'm probably after someone who is the same?
There's a couple of girls on my course, one of which sits on her own a lot and doesn't seem have many friends around her. On the very brief occasions we've spoken she seems like a genuinely nice person - so what's the best way to approach her?
Sorry for the lengthy post folks.