The Student Room Group

Single grrrr :-(

Hiya everyone,

Hope this doesn't sound too sad but I really need to say it.

I am at uni, and I have never really had a proper gf before. I'm not into pubs and clubs much, which could be one of the reasons for no gf lol.

I've always been pretty happy single, but now it's really bugging me and I'm worried I'm never going to meet anyone I'm truly happy with. All the people I've met and liked always tend to be in relationships which makes it even worse! lol

What with valentines day coming up soon, I'm starting to feel pretty low. A lot of people meet their partners in clubs and stuff but I'm not into that, and I'm probably after someone who is the same?

There's a couple of girls on my course, one of which sits on her own a lot and doesn't seem have many friends around her. On the very brief occasions we've spoken she seems like a genuinely nice person - so what's the best way to approach her?

Sorry for the lengthy post folks.
the only way to do it is to socialise: pubs and clubs. IF you are really into the internet, try webdating.
Reply 2
If you think the girl is a nice person, say hi more often, maybe sit next to her in a lecture? Ask her if she'd mind if the two of you studeid together/worked on an assignment? Maybe ask her if she'd like to go for cofee.

I don't pub/club either and I would hate to meet my partner in that sort of environment. Just take your time. AND I DON'T reccommend web-dating. It works for some, but fails for many more.
Pubs and clubs ARE NOT the only way, the thought that because I hated pubbing and clubbing when I was younger was so depressing as I was often told it was the only way to meet men. :frown:

Anyway, I met my current partner in an induction lecture. We just started hanging out together in relaxed environments like cinemas, and chilling out with other people until we were relaxed enough to start going out together. I wasn't particularly interested in being in a relationship either, but we had so much fun together in lectures writing funny notes to each other.

So I echo minimos idea, sit with her more, have lunch together at the uni canteen, figure out if you wanna spend more time with her that way. :smile: Enjoy it!
Oh I 'm soooo the same only I'm a girl..!!I know exactly how it feels like...Sometimes I think that I m gonna stay by myself all my life but others am more positive and think that I ll find him somewhere/sometime....I seriously think that you should try to talk to that girl more cause she might be interested at you as well but hesitating to express her feelings ..exactly like you...Start with simple conversations always say hello to her so she knows that you notice her then ask how she finds the course etc... and try to ask her things like hobbies and stuff what she does in her free time...WIsh you all the luck!If u need anything msg m
Reply 5
I'm the same too, as is my boyfriend. I met one bloke in a club and had a fling with him, needless to say it didn't turn out too well.
People that are a bit quieter and don't like pubs and clubs so much are out there, you've just got to hang around until they emerge. You'll probably meet the one for you in a place you wouldn't expect. Join lots of societies, you'll meet loads of people then :smile:
i'm the same, except i hate being single. Clubs are so shallow though; it's just a meat market - it's not like the girl's going to like you for the words coming out of your mouth. *sigh* i've seen a girl i like but i'm just awful at initiating conversations and she usually has friends with her - i just have awful confidence.
Reply 7
Of course pubs and clubs isn't the only way to meet someone.

Personally, I don't want to meet a girl who gets picked up by guys while she's drunk.

Are you a member of any societies at uni? I found love as soon as I stopped looking for it. Just put yourself into a comfortable environment and it'll happen sooner or later :smile:
Reply 8
I dont like pubs and clubs either (although that doesnt mean I dont go in them). As Pentatonic said, join a society\club at uni.
Reply 9
I'm in the same position, not into pubs/clubs/societies/etc and still no gf. I guess I'm used to it by now so V-day doesn't really make me feel bad at all.
I'm the same. Not really into pubs and clubbing. The best way to get her attention is to just talk with her about everything and anything. That's how I got together with my girlfriend. We were in the same school for 2 years but never really talked that much but then towards the end we started talking on msn almost daily and found out that we have many similiarities. Now we've been together 8 months.

The best of luck to you :smile: