The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Depends on what your accommodation situation is. With parents? Halls? Flatmates? Your own place?

I'd be inclined to say no, though.
Reply 2
Does she eat all the food, have lavish baths with bubbles like Dannielle Steele novels, dance through a cloud of talcum powder, leave all the lights on and turn the gas on for a kick? And generally fart arse about?

The real question here is: are you still having sex? If no, the ask her where you should send the bill for her share of the bill :wink:
Reply 3
My first reaction was to say 'no'. But I guess it depends on the circumstances.
Ie. Do you live at uni? With parents? Or? Where does she live? Is she saving money by staying at your place? Is her staying over at your place causing you to lose a lot of money? And by this I mean that are you losing money that you wouldn't if she wasn't at your place?
More than the gas/electricity bills I'd understand if she was eating a lot of food and you'd ask her to pay for that. That would be completely fine.

In the end though, if you find that her staying over causes great financial loss to you then I don't see why you couldn't ask her to contribute. Provided of course that it won't harm your relationship and you do it in a tactful manner so it doesn't seem that you only want money.
Reply 4
Yes make her pay her way, why don't you ask her to move in she basically has?
Reply 5
It depends
If she's just hanging out at yours and then sleeping in your bed then no - she's still paying her own bills and she's not actually costing you money as it were
If she's eating there all the time then maybe suggest she brings stuff to cook when she comes over sometimes.
I'm with Starya - if she is actually costing you more then yes you could ask...but if you just think she's benefiting from the amount you're already paying that hasn't gone up because of her then I would say it's not fair to ask.

Why does she stay so often anyway? Why don't you stay at hers to balance it out? If she lives with her 'rents or something and coming to yours is the only way you can be "alone" ahem then if I were her I'd be seriously pissed at you asking me for a rent contribution lol