The Student Room Group
I sometimes wonder about that. My nose is kind of, well... big. But to be honest, I've figured that as long as its not deformed or anything, i should just be happy with what I've got. Plus rhinoplasty costs raaather a lot!
Reply 2
i have also been thinking about having a nose just doesnt hold my face together as it should ( like a good rug in a room). Was thinking of going for tom cruises.
Reply 3
Darth Excluder
:confused: should i have plastic surgery later in life? its just its round at the tip and i look really weird from a certan angle, like my nose ends with a circle.:biggrin:

Perhaps, it is simply inverted; and the 'circle' to which you refer, in fact, your own head.

Well; don't try to tell me that you haven't at least contemplated the possibility.
Reply 4
I have a large, roman nose too, it has grown to what I consider too large only in the last 2 years, and now it protudes far out from my face like a sore...well, nose. I, (as I would advise you) would take it if I had the money to spare, but would otherwise leave it. I am not particularly insecure about it anymore, but I would like my face to be in proportion, and so I think rhinoplasty could achieve and would not be a case of "unfulfilling the true source of my insecurity".
I get some stick for the size of my nose, but tbh, it's not really that big. It's stright, but then has a small bulge in the middle where the bone ends, and the cartilage begins :frown: A bit annoying, but I don't let it bother me that much...
Reply 6
Hmmmm, quite often I think noses add character to people's faces...depends on the individual I Owen Wilson for example, he doesn't have a nose like, I dunno, a Ken doll and he's fit (in my humble opinion!)
Reply 7
The Mudman
I get some stick for the size of my nose, but tbh, it's not really that big. It's stright, but then has a small bulge in the middle where the bone ends, and the cartilage begins :frown: A bit annoying, but I don't let it bother me that much...

Reply 8
This thread is useless without pictures.
i have a funny nose too, i broke it when i was younger and i didnt notice lol so it healed all funny. i also got some stick over it too i have been called 'wonky nose' and people would press their nose into a funny shape whenever they see me. that was in the past lol, i am still insecure about it i try not to let it bother me but it does a bit.
im probably having surgery to correct it in the next couple of years
so dont worry!
I have a large, roman nose too, it has grown to what I consider too large only in the last 2 years, and now it protudes far out from my face like a sore...well, nose. I, (as I would advise you) would take it if I had the money to spare, but would otherwise leave it. I am not particularly insecure about it anymore, but I would like my face to be in proportion, and so I think rhinoplasty could achieve and would not be a case of "unfulfilling the true source of my insecurity".

I'm exactly the same
Reply 11
surgery for the win