The Student Room Group

I hate being this shy!

I always come over so shy with this guy I'm in love with. I don't think he knows...but everytime we're together I feel faint and dizzy, and I just can't talk to him normally like I do with my friends! It's so annoying! I don't know why...I guess it's cause I don't want to say anything stupid! (Happens quite a lot! :p:) Any advice?
I always come over so shy with this guy I'm in love with. I don't think he knows...but everytime we're together I feel faint and dizzy, and I just can't talk to him normally like I do with my friends! It's so annoying! I don't know why...I guess it's cause I don't want to say anything stupid! (Happens quite a lot! :p:) Any advice?

How long have you been with him? I was a little nervous with my g/f at the early stages but after a while it gets totally normal.
Reply 2
How long have you been with him? I was a little nervous with my g/f at the early stages but after a while it gets totally normal.

I'm not sure they're actually together. Is this someone you're with or someone you just fancy/love? :confused:
Reply 3
It's just the adrenalin kicking in, most people feel different around people who they fancy otherwise there'd be no just thing as a crush! It'll either fade naturally over time or once you get together and realise he's human too :p:
Reply 4
No we're not 'together''s a bit complicated but I'm just totally in love with him...and I'm too shy around him to talk properly or drop hints that I like him. It's a shame because we do have loads in common and do get on really well together. I just feel like crying I love him so much! :frown:
I know how you feel, I'm exactly like this with my friend. Whenever I talk, my words just spill out and I say the daftest things like "Oh my gosh, that's so brilliant *giggle*" What the hell comes over me?!
Reply 6
Its a horrible feeling isnt it! i am very shy two and just like you(except i like a female) i feel i am in love with a girl who im to affriad to talk to or feel im guna say stupid things.

My most annoying part is not Having any chances to speak..and being so shy even the chances i dont make a move ot just hardly sat n e thing.

Remember lots of people are shy in these need to have a think about doing little things that can get you to open up a bit..
Good Luck!