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Reply 1
I used to have to:
put at back of throat, put water in mouth, tip head back, jump up and down and swallow.
Reply 2
Put water in your mouth first, then the tablet and sort of swish it around so the tablet 'floats' and you can't feel it on your tongue, then swallow.
Reply 3
I never used to be able to...I am not good at it now, but I had to take 9 tablets a day for a week once...that sorted me out!
I can't take tablets either. When in hospital staff have a terrible time spending hours attempting to assist me.

Had to take some the other day, so I put them in some ice cream and then just swallowed, that seemed to work rather well.
Reply 5
I couldnt swallow tablets for years...used to have those nurofen things that melt on your tongue! hehe. I'm fine most the time though, I just put it on my tongue, take a massive gulp of water and kinda lean my head back. lol.
Reply 6
bit them into little pieces then swallow with water
Reply 7
I try taking them with water, but the tablet always floats at the top, so by the time it is about to drop with the water it gets stuck and i nearly choke :redface:
Ok...well as alot of people have said, ive had the same problem aswell, and everyone use to get frustrated with it, but this is my technique.

Place tablet on the back of your tongue (in a dry mouth) & take a huge gulp of water & swish it around in your mouth abit so that the tablet is no longer on your tongue but kinda of swimming/drowning/floating in the water & then swallow.

It really does work (for me anyway) x
Reply 9
i cant either :frown:
Reply 10
bit them into little pieces then swallow with water

Thats what i do now. But the medicine tastes foul so i am trying not to bite into it. :redface:
Reply 11
yeh, or you do it really quickly
Reply 12
You could try cutting the tablet up in smaller pieces and swallow lots of water at the same time, or maybe (and I know this sounds weird but it works for my friend!) you could take a small square of bread and pop the tablet (or chopped up piece of it, depending on how big the tablet is) within the pice of bread and swallow it - I think that sometimes works because you probably subconsciously register it as a mouthful of food rather than a little lone tablet!
Reply 13
how about dissolving the pill in water, if its the type of pill that dissolves
Reply 14
I swallow without any water baby. :cool:
Reply 15
Reply 16
There was a similar thread recently, and drinking with a sports cap bottle (you know, them pull up ones) worked for them
Reply 17
Ahh Im the same only recently been able to take them. Even now I chop them in half and take half at a time. The main problem is that you are probably thinking you are going to choke. Just put it on ur tongue far back, drink water and let it go straight down dont swivil the water in your mouth if you konw what i mean.
Reply 18
I use the tesco tablets in the capsules that are blue and white and put them in my mouth...and fill it up with water- if you tip your head FORWARDS (weird i know) the tablet floats backwards and you just swallow and down it goes!
Reply 19
I never used to be able to take tablets, I mean I used to try and after 60 minutes (no exageration) of trying it still wouldnt go down no matter what I tried, but I managed to over come it and I'll let you know my secret.

Try it with some smarties :smile: go and buy a packet or two and just eat a few normally and just put one in your mouth and try swallowing it on its own, youll find you can do it, if not add a bit of water but knowing it was chocolate etc it really helped! Very strange but trust me It worked! best of luck :smile: