The Student Room Group

What do i have to do?

I need soem advice:

When i started college in 2004 i met a very nice girl in one of my lessons and we got on very well. As i am very shy it takes a lot of time before i come out of my shell. Anyway, she ended up getting moved seats so i couldnt speak to her in lessons(shyness again).

Despite our loss of convo, she flirted like mad, smiled and gave me about 10million signils she liked me...but i was just too shy to move forward and never made the important moves.

I have had a love sick feeling for a while when i think of what could have been.

Anyway, im now in year 2 and have beaten shyness a bit. But, i get no signils anymore and when i let on, she just gives a small smile...ive even noticed her trying to avoid me.

I know i wasted my chance..but i always believe true love never dies so how do i re-establish what we once had?

my main problem is i keep thinking i am a total idiot and i have wasted my chance...


shes gone from being very flirty to someone who cant even look at me....
Reply 1

a years a bit of a long time... maybe she began to think you werent interested? why dont you just go speak to her?
Reply 2
Yeah that was what i was thinking...i will try and speak to her soon!
thanks :yy: :yy:
I'm a die-hard romantic so I'd say catch her alone and say all the shyness thing and how you never stopped liking her and you can't give up on her without giving it one last try or you'd never forgive yourself and stuff like that *terrible gramma due to excitement of topic* good luck anyway! Shy people rock so you can't go too far wrong!!!!!!!
Reply 4
I'm a die-hard romantic so I'd say catch her alone and say all the shyness thing and how you never stopped liking her and you can't give up on her without giving it one last try or you'd never forgive yourself and stuff like that *terrible gramma due to excitement of topic* good luck anyway! Shy people rock so you can't go too far wrong!!!!!!!

lol i think that mite scare her!!! i think...only do that if you know she deffinitely likes you back too! or do it as a last resort...say if she was leavin the country or gettin married...theeen you'll have to do somethin pretty drastic! hehe im a bit of a romantic too
lol on reflection it probably ISN'T a good idea. I just wanted to spread some passion lol
Reply 6
I need soem advice:

When i started college in 2004 i met a very nice girl in one of my lessons and we got on very well. As i am very shy it takes a lot of time before i come out of my shell. Anyway, she ended up getting moved seats so i couldnt speak to her in lessons(shyness again).

Despite our loss of convo, she flirted like mad, smiled and gave me about 10million signils she liked me...but i was just too shy to move forward and never made the important moves.

I have had a love sick feeling for a while when i think of what could have been.

Anyway, im now in year 2 and have beaten shyness a bit. But, i get no signils anymore and when i let on, she just gives a small smile...ive even noticed her trying to avoid me.

I know i wasted my chance..but i always believe true love never dies so how do i re-establish what we once had?

my main problem is i keep thinking i am a total idiot and i have wasted my chance...


shes gone from being very flirty to someone who cant even look at me....

when this happens to me , a shy guy, i cant tell if he is shy or not interested. cos once you reach college age, most guys are not shy with girls anymore. and if she fancies you, she thinks you are gorgeous and prob cannot understand why you have reason to be shy with girls.

be brave and randomly talk to her whenever you have the chance.offer to meet up with her sometime, or say do you wanna come out wiht my friends etc. if she is single you prob have a chance
To be honest it sounds like you blew your chance (if you had one in the first place, I'm long past the age where I think flirtyness automatically means possibility of a serious attraction) and she has moved on. The best you can do is try to talk to her again, but don't get your hopes up.

Reply 8
I don't think she has moved on entirely. When a person has a massive crush on someone but think they don't like them back, they kind of just try to forget about it. But if the situation arises again, there's a chance she'll still have feelings for you since she never got to experience what she wanted. I had a massive crush on a guy a few years ago and just left it, but a couple of years later we are now together :smile: