The Student Room Group


Just wondering what people thought of High Internsity Interval Training as a method of getting fit and losting bit of fat. Would I be better off running miles or doing this.Bear in mind HIIT takes so much less time and I have so little time in the day to do stuff like this.
Any suggestions on how long I should do it for would be mega appreciated!
Many Thanks
Well from what I've heard HIIT training is just as good as doing a 30minute run, i would say go for it as it is a better option if you don't have time for anything else.

I think it was 30seconds on 30seconds off for about 6 or 7 times, go and search google or somewhere and find out the right programme for you.
Reply 2
This is some useful info:

Empirical evidence shows that high intensity cardio exercise in non-obese subjects has been shown to be more effective than training at a lower intensity level (Tremblay, 1994).

Higher-intensity aerobic intervals have also been shown to increase exercise and resting energy expenditure separate from any change in muscle mass (Hunter et al 1998). Higher-intensity exercise has resulted in greater fat loss despite less total energy expenditure (during a session) when compared to a higher level of energy expenditure achieved in a lower intensity exercise session (Tremblay, 1994).

The total energy cost of the (Moderate Intensity Cardio) MIC program was substantially greater than the (High Intensity Interval Training) HIIT program. The scientists found that the MIC group burned more than twice as many calories while exercising than the HIIT program. HOWEVER, skinfold measurements showed that the HIIT group lost more subcutaneous fat. According to the scientists, " . . .when the difference in the total energy cost of the program was taken into account, the subcutaneous fat loss was nine fold greater in the HIIT program than in the MIC program." Bottom line: the HIIT group experienced 9 times more fat-loss benefit for every calorie burned during exercise. Tremblay, et al; (Metabolism (1994) Volume 43, pp.814-818)

stolen from
Reply 3
'running miles'.