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Just wanted to know if anyone can estimate roughly how many people have a gap year before they go to Durham.
Im just interested to know how many people will be 19 when they start, like me, and how many will be 18.

Seems like most people at some times! I dunno, I'd say maybe 50% of my friends did - depends on what college you're at too. I didn't, but it's never been an issue; just means the 21st birthday invites have started coming this year...
Reply 2
UCAS estimated about 30% take gap years, is that about right? Suppose it'll be a bit higher for Durham though cos I find better off students tend to take gap years more. On the other hand I might be talking *******s cos poorer students can take gap years in order to work, not travel. Just say about 30%. :smile:
Reply 3
In my 'group' of 12 friends, 6 had a gap year and 6 might be about half! :smile:
Reply 4
Hardly any of my friends, bizarrely enough. Clearly only the rich take gap years :wink:
I'd say I knew far more 'gappies' last year than I do this year. *Yes you do continue to make new friends each year*! But I also knew a couple of Scots who came to University aged 17 too.

Don't worry about it too much though, age doesn't make a person, who they are does.
Of my closest 8 friends here, none of us took a gap year, in fact, of the whole corridor of 15ish only one person did take one...
Reply 7
If Durham accept me I will have taken a gap year and i'll be 19 :redface: All grown up ! lol
Reply 8
Only one of my friends is taking a gap year, and thats because he wanted some work experience first. Everyone else is going straight there, it was never even considered! But then I will be 19 when i start anyway as my birthday is in September, if I had a gap year I could be nearly 2 years older than some people in my university year.
If Durham accept me I will have taken a gap year and i'll be 19 :redface: All grown up ! lol

19 isn't grown up (i hope!)

21 is the age of responsibile adulthood i keep telling myself
I'm on my gap year now actually. When I get to Durham I'll be 19 turning 20, or 20 already depending on when the term starts. I'm starting to feel a bit old now actually..
Reply 11
i wouldhave thought on the whole there might be less gappers this year than usual as they might hav wanted to avoid tuition fees and gone str8 to university.

for the record i'll be 20 when i start uni and will turn 21 about a munth after term starts - i had a gap year after gcse's and im redoing sum physics and doing further maths now (3rd year of A-levels).
Well I'm from New York and took the gap year to avioid paying overseas fees. I wanted to go straight to university but unfortunately my pocket wouldn't allow it..
Reply 13
I'm on a gap year and will be starting Durham age 19 too. I'm sure there'll be a fair few of us.
Reply 14
i wouldhave thought on the whole there might be less gappers this year than usual as they might hav wanted to avoid tuition fees and gone str8 to university.

i dont think that'll make too much difference, cos as far as i know if you applied last yr but deferred you still pay the same fees as you would have this year
Reply 15
In a group of about 20 I know only 3 took gap years and they certain are not the 'rich ones', though this might be biased as it would be harder if you doin science as you forget maths without practice
I'm on a gap year and I'm going to Durham.I'll be 20 when I start though because my birthday falls on the 5th September.One situation where being the oldest is not good.
Reply 17
Yup I too am having a gap year (and I'm not rich :p: - tis to earn some extra cash woo :yy:) and I'll be 20 when I start (my bday is 11th Sept). Glad to see I won't be the only one! I have to say I have been a bit concerned about it, but it'll be fine. Used to being the oldest out of my friends anyway lol!

Reply 18
It's seems like it'll be mostly girls who have taken gap years. We'll just have to find some nice younger men I guess.
I'm older than a lot of first years as it is this year!Worrying.

I have a thing for younger guys anyway,not something I shall be complaining about haha.