The Student Room Group

Viral Infection

I went to the doctors today and he said i had a viral infection and that theres nothing you can do really when its viral, you've just got to put up with it and wait for it to go on its own :frown: (its my throat that is in so much pain, i can barely talk, and i cant eat much because it hurts to swallow)

Its probably a long shot, but i'm in so much pain.. Ive taken some ibuprofen but its not rele helping pain wise.. Is there anything i can do? :frown:
Reply 1
Try drinking some tea with honey in it. It'll hurt to start with, but it will sooth your throat. Also, try some lonzenges (sp?) that contain anasthetic (i really can't spell) because, while they do numb your tongue, they also help your throat :p:

I hope you feel better!
viral infection!! :eek: I've never heard of this before

yeah, like the above post, just have lots of sore throat sweets as they contain antispetic stuff in them.
Reply 3
ice cream :smile:
Reply 4
Try drinking some tea with honey in it. It'll hurt to start with, but it will sooth your throat. Also, try some lonzenges (sp?) that contain anasthetic (i really can't spell) because, while they do numb your tongue, they also help your throat :p:

I hope you feel better!

we dont have any honey in the house?
Reply 5
This might sound a bit strange.. :confused: but my throats been hurting for hours and getting worse and now i think its starting to make my ears hurt, and i cant sneeze without it really hurting my throat too! :frown:
Reply 6
yeah thats normal. ears nose and throat are all connected..viral infections are a pain in the arse..had glandular for weeks and that was a barrel of laughs sitting that one out!
Reply 7
Yeah, ears hurting as well as throat is totally normal. Drink soluble aspirin or paracetamol as it will sooth your throat and paracetamol will help reduce any temperature you have. Try to get some kind of liquid food (soup etc) down you if you can, and rest.
Reply 8
My toe once went all icky and red and swollen and itchy, went the doctors and he said 'yeah, viral, go away' so I did. Have faith though! My toe cleared up in a few weeks, maybe take a supplement that helps your immune system?
i had a viral infection bout a year ago. It was awwwwful. I was feeling sick, dizzy and faint constantly and it wouldn't go away. I got really really depressed and stopped eating and stuff and ooooh it was nasty. AND it lasted about 11MONTHS!!! has only just gone now... eurgh, awful.