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Should I drop an AS Level?


Should I drop one of my AS Levels that I'm struggling in?

Hey guys, basically I just want advice on whether or not I should drop one of my AS Levels.
The subject I'm thinking of dropping is Physics, and my other 3 subjects are English, History of Art and Economics.
Although half way through the year, I'm still struggling with Physics like I was at the start of the year and am not doing too well lets just say.
I like the subject but I just don't feel myself progressing in any way and feel way behind my classmates, as maths really isnt my strong point, as you can probably tell from my other subjects.
Im 70% sure I want to drop the subject, but I'm not sure on what impliments this would have for university applications etc. Because im pretty sure theyd rather 3 good AS Level grades rather than 4 okay ones, because I definitely feel my struggle in physics is holding me back from excelling in my other subjects as it takes up most of my time!
Please let me know what you think about this and how it would affect my university chances.. Any advice is much appreciated :-) Thank you !!
Reply 1

I dropped Physics after I'd done the AS and carried my other three subjects onto A2. I thought about dropping it mid-way through the year but then didn't want to work I'd already put in to go to waste.

With regards to what uni's will think (I'm at uni at the moment and I worked in admissions over the summer) - they normally only look at subjects you've done to A2. It depends on the uni but most are interested in your grades or UCAS points from three full A-levels so don't look at other AS's or general studies.

Basically if I were you I'd carry on if its something you're interested in; unless its really making you miserable or if its distracting you from your other AS' and making you fall behind in those.

Hope this helps in some way :smile:
Basically that^

You dont need a science/maths subject for your course, and im guessing most Unis want 3 A2's

Exam in like 3 days?
Might be a bit late, but drop if you feel it's preventing you getting 3 decent AS grades
Reply 3
Original post by ieatcheeseyo

Original post by ieatcheeseyo
Basically that^

You dont need a science/maths subject for your course, and im guessing most Unis want 3 A2's

Exam in like 3 days?
Might be a bit late, but drop if you feel it's preventing you getting 3 decent AS grades

nope my exam is next term (thats why im kind of freaking out a bit)
if it was in 3 days though yeah i agree, it would be a liiiittle too late! thanks anyway!
Reply 4
Original post by eli_berry25

Original post by eli_berry25

I dropped Physics after I'd done the AS and carried my other three subjects onto A2. I thought about dropping it mid-way through the year but then didn't want to work I'd already put in to go to waste.

With regards to what uni's will think (I'm at uni at the moment and I worked in admissions over the summer) - they normally only look at subjects you've done to A2. It depends on the uni but most are interested in your grades or UCAS points from three full A-levels so don't look at other AS's or general studies.

Basically if I were you I'd carry on if its something you're interested in; unless its really making you miserable or if its distracting you from your other AS' and making you fall behind in those.

Hope this helps in some way :smile:

yeah, i dont want all the work ive done to go to waste but i think that will be better than getting a D! seeming as unis only seem to want grades, i feel this could bring me down alot.
although just doing the exam will add to my UCAS points..
ive spoken to some people though and they say that 3 out of the 4 subjects for AS must be "hard" subjects and history of art is considered a "soft" subject so i think only two "hard" subjects would be risking it a little!
thanks alot anyway this has helped! :-)
Do you think you could keep going for the rest of this academic year and just not carry it onto A-level? It would seem a shame you spending so long on it then dropping it before you get any credit. I would just take it to AS as even an E counts as a pass.

Although if you don't feel you can carry on, drop it as it isn't worth dragging all your subjects down. At least you know what you want to take to A-level.
Reply 6
Agree with elitepower - there's nothing wrong with getting a D!

Whether you count your subjects as "hard" or "soft" I think ultimately depends on what you want to go on to do, the key thing would be relevancy, because Uni's don't really look at how hard your subject were, just that you meet the entry requirements (unless you want to go somewhere like Oxford where you'll get grilled for your choices). So possibly consider what it is you want to do after A-level?
Reply 7
Original post by eli_berry25

Original post by eli_berry25
Agree with elitepower - there's nothing wrong with getting a D!

Whether you count your subjects as "hard" or "soft" I think ultimately depends on what you want to go on to do, the key thing would be relevancy, because Uni's don't really look at how hard your subject were, just that you meet the entry requirements (unless you want to go somewhere like Oxford where you'll get grilled for your choices). So possibly consider what it is you want to do after A-level?

I want to study english at university.. and no not at Oxford!
Reply 8
fair enough. Your choices are relevant then - if you're going to study English at uni I doubt they'll worry if you haven't done 'hard' subjects as long as you've done well in English :smile:

Any ideas what you're going to do yet?
I’m so curious as to what op ended up doing and how they’re doing now