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Spot/Boil in quite an embarassing place.....not sure what to do?

Right Sorry for posting anon, its just its a little embarassing:redface:

Basically I have a rather big spot, thats quite sore and hard around my vagina, not anywhere near the inside but like on the fleshy parts of that area near my leg...get where I mean?

Basically i was a little worried as it was quite painful, but this morning i woke up and it appeared to have popped? Sorry to be graphic but I squeezed it and some yellowish puss came out, i did this about 3 times and there was quite a bit of puss (about double what youd get from a big spot, but then agian this spot was quite BIG) then a little blood came out. I left it and had a shower, it seems to be just like a spot, its still a little sore and feels as though there is a little more puss inside.

Now my question? Would you class this as a spot or maybe a boil:confused:
Should I leave it or see a doctor, its nothing serious just a little puzzled by it to be quite honest, not sure what/why i got it?

I was thinking maybe it was caused by an ingrowing hair:confused:

Any advice on what it might be/what might have caused it, what to do about it and anyone who has had similar experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks xx
Reply 1
It could be a cyst. Wait a few days if it goes funny colours or becomes painful.
Reply 2
How do u hair remove in that area?? Could i be an ingrowing hair??
Reply 3
eeuuuuuuuuuu :eek: :eek: :eek:

clean it, leave it alone and pray to god that it won't come back... :dong:
Reply 4
Yes I do have the odd brazilian About once every 2/3 months and occasionally when i desperately needed to tidy the area up!

Could it be the result of an ingrowing hair?

Also, How will I know if its a cyst and what are cysts?

Thanks again xx
Reply 5
That should have read 'ocasionaly shave when i need to'
Reply 6
I'm just going to quote from wikipedia.

"A cyst is a closed sac having a distinct membrane and developing abnormally in a cavity or structure of the body. Cysts may occur as a result of a developmental error in the embryo during pregnancy or they may be caused by infections. However, they sometimes arise spontaneously with no apparent cause. Cysts may often be dangerous as they may have negative effects on the nearby tissue. They may contain air, fluids, or semi-solid material."

It could have been a Sebaceous cyst to be more precise:

"A sebaceous cyst (also called epidermal cyst, keratin cyst, or epidermoid cyst) is a closed sac or cyst below the surface of the skin that fills with a fatty white, semi-solid material called sebum.

The scalp, ears, genitals, and face are common sites for sebaceous cysts, though they may occur anywhere on the body except the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. They are smooth to the touch, vary in size, and are generally round in shape."

If you really want to see pictures google has some.
Just keep it clean and leave it alone. If it's still messy after about a week then maybe you ought to see someone. :smile:
Reply 8
Thanks for all your replies, will look into them.

what dio you reccomend i clean it with? Good old tcp?
Reply 9
Thanks for all your replies, will look into them.

what dio you reccomend i clean it with? Good old tcp?

Just a bit of soap when you're in the shower?
Right Sorry for posting anon, its just its a little embarassing:redface:

Basically I have a rather big spot, thats quite sore and hard around my vagina, not anywhere near the inside but like on the fleshy parts of that area near my leg...get where I mean?

Basically i was a little worried as it was quite painful, but this morning i woke up and it appeared to have popped? Sorry to be graphic but I squeezed it and some yellowish puss came out, i did this about 3 times and there was quite a bit of puss (about double what youd get from a big spot, but then agian this spot was quite BIG) then a little blood came out. I left it and had a shower, it seems to be just like a spot, its still a little sore and feels as though there is a little more puss inside.

Now my question? Would you class this as a spot or maybe a boil:confused:
Should I leave it or see a doctor, its nothing serious just a little puzzled by it to be quite honest, not sure what/why i got it?

I was thinking maybe it was caused by an ingrowing hair:confused:

Any advice on what it might be/what might have caused it, what to do about it and anyone who has had similar experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks xx

It sounds like an infected follicle., although in that neck of the woods you would wonder if it was an infected batholemew cyst (spelling).
it may sound odd, but have you tried smelling the discharge from it? if it stinks to high hell it may well be one of these cysts. if it doesn't smell, then it is likely to just be an infected follicel (as can happen when you have an ingrown hair) as some one suggested. as with any spots you have a choice between one of three things
-pop it and then se if it goes
-just leave it and see if it goes
-see a doc

i wouldn't worry about it being an sti or anything. doesn't really fit the profile for anything. [hopefully that was never a worry for you because you are sensible]
Reply 12
or leave it and see what nature intended
I had an abscess/cyst on my lower back, right at the top of my bum. It was quite swollen so i went to the doctors, the nurse poped it with a needle and sqeezed out the pus and blood. It didnt smell, the other day i squeezed some more gunk out of it.

I would recommended a salt water bath but it didnt improve as quickly as i hoped in my case so i got antibiotics as i needed it to heal before my bristol interview (i couldnt sit down at all so spent a week in bed lying on my side and belly as it was so awkward sitting down, causing the big plaster to move and it to bleed). Its gone now, all dried up.

Get some magnesium sulpahte paste and big plasters (medpore pre-cut dressings), this will stop further infection and help it heal (get from chemists) and try a salth water bath (a mug of salt) as this may help draw out the gunk as the problem with my one, as your one is its in a naturally warm and moist area so may result in further infection.

Before the nurse poped it, it became larger gradually till it was so swollen (like a lump putting pressure on the skin), it was red.

Go see the doctor if Or nurse asap!
Reply 14
i think u should sort it out asap love
When i read the title i instantly thought "STD"!!

But really, It sounds exactly like an ingrown hair. When I had one at the front of mine, it was awful. I kept thinking I'd trapped a pubic hair in my zip. Anyway.

I'd say TCP works a treat for anything like this, mine cleared up withing a day or two of bursting. Its supposed to happen a lot of you shave that area.

it happens to the best of us :smile:
Reply 16
Have a feel around the boil...........if its hard you need to go to the doctors and get some antibiotics asap bcos you could have an infection.

If the skin around it is soft then just keep dabbing it with TCP or some pure Tea Tree oil (Boots)'ll be fine honey.:smile:
Reply 17

Get some magnesium sulpahte paste and big plasters (medpore pre-cut dressings), this will stop further infection and help it heal (get from chemists) and try a salth water bath (a mug of salt) as this may help draw out the gunk as the problem with my one, as your one is its in a naturally warm and moist area so may result in further infection.

Go see the doctor if Or nurse asap!

how do you suggest she puts a plaster on that??
Reply 18
If the pus wasn't a funny colour or smelly then that's a good sign. Germoline might help to dry it up, then it'll just crumble off.
Reply 19
Thanks once again you guys :hugs:

Its not an STI as I havent had sex, The puss was slightly yellowish but no more so than when i pop a spot! It still feels as though there is some left, I will try and squeeze it tomorrow and then bathe the affected spot in tcp.

I would guess its probably an ingrown hair thats got infected or something, im off to bed now. I know this sounds yuk but I will check it out tomorrow and see what description people have given best fits, that may narrow down what it is and why it was caused. I feel like such a freak, has anyone else had this?

Thanks thanks thanks! A great example of why :tsr2: is so great!
I was scared to speak to anyone about it coz i thought people might say EWW, YUKK etc etc, although its not my fault and could happen to anyone I found the idea of speaking to others about it uncomfortable. And was worried people would think im disgusting!
