This is a bit graphic, sorry, but i'm just a little concerned about my problem.
Today my boyfriend was 'masurbating' me (he didn't put his fingers up, he was just 'rubbing' with his hands) and he was doing it quite hard, and it started to hurt, so i told him to stop. Anyway, a little while after, the throbbing went. This was about 5 hours ago.
Anyway, I went to the loo about 5 minutes ago, and the throbbing has come back, but it is more of a sharp throbbing (as if it is thrush). I don't think it is thrush as his hand was on top of my pants, not underneith, touching my skin. Has anyone got any suggestions to what it could be? It doesn't itch, its just uncomfortable feelng around my ureatha. The 'pain' only came back when i went to the loo.