The Student Room Group

Uncomforatble Feeling Down Below

This is a bit graphic, sorry, but i'm just a little concerned about my problem.

Today my boyfriend was 'masurbating' me (he didn't put his fingers up, he was just 'rubbing' with his hands) and he was doing it quite hard, and it started to hurt, so i told him to stop. Anyway, a little while after, the throbbing went. This was about 5 hours ago.

Anyway, I went to the loo about 5 minutes ago, and the throbbing has come back, but it is more of a sharp throbbing (as if it is thrush). I don't think it is thrush as his hand was on top of my pants, not underneith, touching my skin. Has anyone got any suggestions to what it could be? It doesn't itch, its just uncomfortable feelng around my ureatha. The 'pain' only came back when i went to the loo.
Maybe you werent wet enough and its friction burns? I dont know I'm just guessing! If it doesnt go away after a day then maybe see a doc...
Reply 2
Thanks for your reply. The friction burns thing you said could be a possibility, cause as you said, I wasn't that wet.
it will go after a few days dnt worry about it. Its just him being too rough with you when I have sex it can hurt going to loo its becuase of the temperature and pH of urine dnt worry :smile:
Reply 4
Agree with Claire..............dont worry about it, it'll be fine in a few days.........think its the equivalent of mens 'blue balls'!:smile:
Reply 5
Few.....thats comforting to know :smile: Thanks Claire
Agree with Claire..............dont worry about it, it'll be fine in a few days.........think its the equivalent of mens 'blue balls'!:smile:

BLUE BALLS! hehe whats that sounds really scary:smile:
Reply 7
Its when men are up for it but your not!!!! The ache they get in their balls are known as 'Blue Balls' and many men will persuade you to 'be up for it' otherwise they will suffer from this!:biggrin: !!!!! Hope that answered your question!
Maybe the 'BB' in your name in fact stands for the unexpected?!
Reply 9
I Body Build!!!!:p: