oh god ive been so stupid...tonight was the first time ive been out in ages and i pulled this beaut of a guy except everyone kept telling me he was really dodgy and to keep away from him but im really drunk and he's so fit and i just went with the flow
god ive been so stupid...tonight was the first time ive been out in ages and i pulled this beaut of a guy except everyone kept telling me he was really dodgy and to keep away from him but im really drunk and he's so fit and i just went with the flow and he kept buying me drinks but everytime he did he made me sit down while he actually brought them and i kept drinking them and my mates dragged me home and im wrecked and im hiding from my parents and he's go tmy number
Yeah, you were stupid to let some random guy buy you drinks and bringing them to you; that's how drinks get spiked. It was stupid, i re-iterate stupid.
Guys can be if they think they're getting somewhere and could get something out of it. He sounded like a jerk if he kept buying you drinks when you're drunk.