The Student Room Group

Weird numbness

For the past few days i've had a weird numbness in the 3 smallest toes on my right foot. Kinda feels like the stage of pins and needles where you can still move stuff without it hurting really bad, but it feels rly weird and numb.

No idea what cud have caused this, and as i said, have had it for the past 3 days or so and only in 1 foot...

any ideas?
Possibly you've broken/ fractured some of the bones in your toes? I've had it. I doesn't feel anything like as painful as a proper broken bone, more sort of numb. However, could be something else, if you're still able to move it. There isn't anything that they can do to fix it, but get it checked out if you're concerned!
Reply 2
maybe you have been sitting at TSR so long that your foot is slowly turning gangrenous... cheery little thought for you :biggrin:
Reply 3
still able to move it totally normally and cant think of any way i cuda broken recently.

like if i pinch the skin really hard i can only jst feel it. kinda freakin me out a bit.
Reply 4
maybe you have been sitting at TSR so long that your foot is slowly turning gangrenous... cheery little thought for you :biggrin:

Reply 5
It's possible that you don't have good circulation. Do you get very cold hands and feet sometimes? I've got poor circulation in my feet and often get a few numb toes.

There are a ton of other things that could be causing it so maybe if it persists you should head to your GP and have it checked out, just to be on the safe side.
Reply 6
Nope, have never noticed any problems like that in the past.

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