Oh man I feel awful, I just read a post by a girl whos b/f just broke up with her after 4 years, it reminds me so much of the situation Im in, except Ive only been with the girl 3 years. I really care for her and love her, but I dont see the relationship in the same way she does, alot as changed and I feel we're dragging eachother down, which is never a good thing. Shes even admitted this herself.
A good friend of ours suggested a break but my g/f went mad at her, saying theres nothing wrong, we're fine. The truth is we're not fine but neither of us are prepared to fully face up to it, she doesnt want to loose me and I dont want to hurt her or loose her friendship but the fact is things just arent working out.
In truth I geuss I had the feeling things were not quite right 6 mnths into the relationship, but I thought we could work things out, unfortunatly its not been that easy, we've both had a lot to deal with over the past few years, one of the biggest problems is she has a very short temper and also suffers from OCD, I have tried so hard to ignore her temper and deal with her OCD, but its becoming so hard, its also worrying my family as I suffered with the condition myself and they have noticed me reverting to my old ways. Her temper has got worse lately as I have just started uni but all my class mates are female so when it comes to group work my girlfriend gets really angry and says I should just try to work alone!. I dont know what to for the best, we cant go on like this but I dont want to hurt her. Anyway sorry this is so dam long!