The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I am guessing its a 2:1 so that would be around 60-70% at a rough guess. It depends on the university though, I never realised they used that system.
Reply 2
Hey thanks. I know! It was really annoying because nobody in the class could work it out! It's because our results are provisonal so they can't tell us the exact mark.
Reply 3
We have a similar system for my course... its pretty annoying especially as the grade boundaries shift so you can never work to a target mark like you can with the 1st/2:i system....
Is it for a degree course?
Reply 5
It depends.

Some places a merit = 70% and above one thing and a distinction = 70% in everything.

In others it equates to a 2i

In others it's 70% and above, with a distiction being 80% and above.