The Student Room Group
Reply 1
What are your impressions of the campuses? The cities themselves? Accommodation? If you have been invited to a post-offer open day, take the opportunity, as it may well help you make up your mind.

And the course itself, what would you look for in a course? Try drawing up a list of things your ideal course would have, then checking them off against each course. What about employment prospects? Do you know which university has better links with areas you might be interested in? You could look at stats of how many graduates go on to do further study/seek employment etc. A chance for a work placement would be very useful, and may make it very easy to get a job afterwards (at the placement or elsewhere).

Remember, there's no rush. You have a while yet.
Reply 2
Wow many thanks Madprof. A most comprhensive helpful and clear post if ever I saw one! Shall be taking your advise and getting on with research as opposed to fretting. (am attending both philosophy open days in the next few weeks...)

Also if anyone is currently at either of these unis doing philosophy any comments would be great.
Reply 3
Try posting in the Nottingham and Manchester sub forums. xx
Reply 4
My tip would be, go with your gut feeling. When you visit them both you will almost definitely have a gut preference for one, if you say you don't you're kidding yourself. Go with that gut preference.
Reply 5
thanks! Have not posted much before and have noticed that a lot of people get a slap on the wrist for double posting....don't want to incur the wrath of the student room!
Reply 6
Yeah I am hoping for a gut reaction. I am hoping the open days will swing me one way or the other. Thanks for the replies people
Reply 7
Yes gut feeling is probably good to go after.

Me personally would choose Nottingham since it has a better academic reputation and seems like a more fun city for students. I know I would have a better time inn Notts than in Manchester atleast.

Visit both unis though.
Good luck