The Student Room Group

how much silence is normal?

hey there, was just wondering, is it normal to have silence wen with people? ive never had a sereous relationship, although there is kind of someone on the cards. basically part of what is holding me back is that im worried he wil find meboring and there will be awkward silences. like for example say he came over and we were cooking dinner together or eating dinner most people talk the whole way through or is it normal to have some silence?! omg i must sound like such a freak, but its really bothering me as i dont think i could find that much to say if i was with someone all the time?! sorry to post anon but im a bit embarassed about this!
Reply 1
During dinner, silence can be expected, as you're both enjoying the meal. If you've been silent for more than a few minutes, bring up something, even if it is "This pasta's delicious" or something to that effect.
Go for it and enjoy your meal.
Reply 2
It depends on the relationship. My boyfriend and I can be silent for a long time, and they aren't really awkward.

If you really find it awkward, crack some jokes. :fisheye:
dats why people go to da cinema then they can structure a conversation on da movie lol
Reply 4
The best thing in a relationship is when you can just be with someone, sitting together silent and it feels natural, not know what I mean?
It's definitely normal to have silence with people. You've probably not noticed it before because you're comfortable with your mates - once you start to get to know people it just becomes normal, not awkward, and you don't even realise. Everyone needs a bit of time to think or rest, it would get tiresome if it was non-stop chat. Or really irritating if there wasn't silence during a film, or when trying to get to sleep.
Plus it's rude to talk with your mouth full! (so don't worry about silence when eating!)
Dont feel uncomfortable if you actually have moments of silence when going out with a guy, either when eating dinner or at a cafe or wherever. Do what feels comfortable. If you feel things being akward and uncomfortable and feel "obliged" to talk, then that just means you two arent meant to be together. You should do what feels natural not forced. You could be silent all the time and still have a great time (hard for me cause i never stop talking but it is possible!! lol!). Dont feel you have to fake laugh at his/her jokes to lighten the atmosphere or do anything that isnt you because thats not fair on either of you. Enjoy yourself and BE yourself most importantly!
Reply 7
The best thing in a relationship is when you can just be with someone, sitting together silent and it feels natural, not know what I mean?

oh yes... I love that :smile:
Reply 8
Silence between people can also be a sighn of intimacy. Then you know you feel confortable with them and that you aren't faking anything.