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No. People are defined by their actions, not their colour.
Reply 2
"at least we'll all be a lovely coffee colour and there will be no racism and everyone will live in peace" :rolleyes:

:frown: This doesn't surprise me at all - in some areas of the UK Whites are already a minority. In about 10 years time London will be majority non-White even.
Reply 3
Regardless of all this, I can guarantee my village will still only have one black man and the people who run the Chinese restaurant. That's how it's always been.

And no, it doesn't bother me that much really.
Agent Smith
No. People are defined by their actions, not their colour.
Are peoples defined by their beliefs and politics, ancestry, and sense of peoplehood? NOT by their colour?
Beliefs and politics are responsible for PRODUCING some of the actions I mentioned, so they have a defining influence. Ancestry has nothing to do with it. While their background may be important to some people, it doesn't actually make them who they are.
Reply 6
Don't give two hoots.
Reply 7
Agent Smith
Beliefs and politics are responsible for PRODUCING some of the actions I mentioned, so they have a defining influence. Ancestry has nothing to do with it. While their background may be important to some people, it doesn't actually make them who they are.

ancestry does have an impact. It affects personality, intelligence, body stature, how people react to different situations, how they react to different drugs, whether they can catch certain diseases or not....there are huge effects on people dependant on their race.
Reply 8
im guessing that maybe africa will become the new white continent? Maybe it will be like a switch and the 'west' is the new 'east' ???????
Reply 9
"Whites will be an ethnic minority in Britain by the end of the century. Analysis of official figures indicate that, at current fertility rates and levels of immigration, there will be more non-whites than whites by 2100.

It would be the first time in history that a major indigenous population has voluntarily become a minority, rather than through war, famine or disease. Whites will be a minority in London by 2010."

For the full article,6903,363750,00.html

Question for you pro-immigration liberal types.....does this not bother you even slightly?

hmmmm, im pretty sure this will happen in America long before it happens in england, so i doubt it will be the first time....
i for one can't see why anyone would be PRO immigration, i personally am not anti view immigration? who needs it....we should be more like australia, only allow people that actually have a USE and a future into our country(as oppose to sponging of the state and in some cases simply trying to blow us up)
The Observer link was recently revived at, and the appropriate quibble was nailed immediately:

There is nothing voluntary about the coming minority status of Whites--they have never been given the chance to vote on it and their objections to it have been ridiculed, stigmatised and as far as possible criminalised.

Bring on the vote.
Reply 12

The most memorable contribution to this nation that I can recall by a person of non-British ancestry (look at me going all PC :rolleyes: ) was blowing up half of London.

Half of London?

I assume you're talking about the IRA.
Reply 13
Even me with my right wing views find it difficult to believe that the white population will be the minority by 2100, i just cant see it being like that in that space of time, the population of the Uk is due to peak at about 66 million so there is no numerical way this could be possible.
Reply 14
Actually Flux, if you look at the figures for the recent number of white Poles who've been coming in, it's rather high,

Perhaps this unexpected inflow of whites will hold a non-white majority at bay for a bit longer?

"Even me with my right wing views find it difficult to believe that the white population will be the minority by 2100"

London is currently 45% non-white. The population of London is almost 2million.
Reply 15
I just find it difficult to see how the current 9% immigrant poulation can get to over 50% by 2051 which is when the population is due to peak
Reply 16
I just find it difficult to see how the current 9% immigrant poulation can get to over 50% by 2051 which is when the population is due to peak

This 9% is rubbish. I only need to go outside to see that there are already more than 9% non-whites in this country.

What about race-mixing? I'm sure we've all seen white girls with blacks and black girls with white guys? The offspring of such a relationship isn't going to be white and hence a white bloodline is lost forever through such a thing, and we're one step closer to a "lovely coffee colour".
Flux, the stats are correct if current trends continue, there is no need for a fall in White birth rates and a rise in immigrant rates.

Who will argue that current trends need to be reversed? Not any mainstream politician who is faced with an aracial white electorate who spread their vote equally on other issues and an ethnocentric asian and black electorate who vote for their brothers and sisters.

The minority status is coming unless 1) Muslims play their hands too soon and demand supremacy before their numbers guarantee it, or 2) Whites decide they want the same kinds of rights they think are appropriate for other racial groups around the world --homelands, self-rule, protection from the UN's definitions of cultural and racial genocide.

We'll see. My guess is the minority status will come, somewhere in the White world, and then a violent race war will erupt across the White world. Elites simply cannot commit such a racist crime against their population and xpect not to have a come-back. I can't wait. The sooner it comes, the fewer lives will be lost.
Sorry to go off topic a bit, but does anybody know roughly what the percentage of people in Britain are white nationalists?
Reply 19
I'd say i am but dont go to any BNP events or anything, about the 9% thing it depends where you live, in the South East then yeh its higher but where i live 95% of the population are white