Flux, the stats are correct if current trends continue, there is no need for a fall in White birth rates and a rise in immigrant rates.
Who will argue that current trends need to be reversed? Not any mainstream politician who is faced with an aracial white electorate who spread their vote equally on other issues and an ethnocentric asian and black electorate who vote for their brothers and sisters.
The minority status is coming unless 1) Muslims play their hands too soon and demand supremacy before their numbers guarantee it, or 2) Whites decide they want the same kinds of rights they think are appropriate for other racial groups around the world --homelands, self-rule, protection from the UN's definitions of cultural and racial genocide.
We'll see. My guess is the minority status will come, somewhere in the White world, and then a violent race war will erupt across the White world. Elites simply cannot commit such a racist crime against their population and xpect not to have a come-back. I can't wait. The sooner it comes, the fewer lives will be lost.