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Reply 1
Hello, I have been accepted to Kingston University 2 weeks ago, if you want, I can send you my Architecture portfolio, so you can make an idea on how it might look like.
Reply 2
I had an interview at Kingston for doesn't have to be a powerpoint. I put my portfolio on youtube then put the link in my essay that I wrote for them. If you know how to use editing software, you could edit the pics together. Or just do a powerpoint one, write a little description underneath. You'll get to showcase your work again at the interview :smile:
Reply 3
Original post by CiukStf
Hello, I have been accepted to Kingston University 2 weeks ago, if you want, I can send you my Architecture portfolio, so you can make an idea on how it might look like.

Hi, if you don't mind could you send me your architecture portfolio? Kingston's conditions on portfolios is pretty strange to me. I'm not sure how to squeeze all the work I've done with no more than 10 images. Or are they referring to no more than 10 slides? Maybe your portfolio would give me an idea.
thank you in advanced. I would really appreciate it.
(edited 12 years ago)
hi, im in the same situation right now, can u send to me to??
Original post by Alifo Carlos
hi, im in the same situation right now, can u send to me to??

Hi Alifo,
If you have not already seen it- there is some general information on the Faculty of Art and Design's website about portfolios
Also - we have some students on ASK US who have written blogs and done videos about portfolio submissions and given top tips. (try Emma and Chloe!) You could see if they are any help, and you can always ask them questions via the site if you want some advice. They are just students rather than admissions staff - but they are often able to offer good suggestions and tips!
Kind regards
Reply 6
Original post by CiukStf
Hello, I have been accepted to Kingston University 2 weeks ago, if you want, I can send you my Architecture portfolio, so you can make an idea on how it might look like.

do you mind sending me the portfolio link please?
Hi everyone, what would the layout be more appropriate for an online portfolio for BA Filmmaking? I am using a vimeo page but not sure if I should post all the film work I have done so far (which is less than 20 pieces) and let them choose which video clips they want to view or just have a few. Also, not sure what else to include asides from my final pieces of film projects I have done, should I include perhaps some storyboards, initial ideas? To show my progress..Many Thanks :smile:
Hello! How long does it usually take to hear back after submitting and online portfolio (graphic design)? I sent mine just over a week ago and haven't heard anything via UCAS or email, not even a confirmation but my classmate who submitted hers later than me heard back the next day and now I'm panicking a little. Thanks!

I still haven't heard back either but I did receive a confirmation email telling me that they received my portfolio and are reviewing it.
Original post by manuzucchi
hey, I have my interview in 2 weeks for architecture, any chance you could please talk me through what happened and any useful tips? thanks :smile:

Thanks for that question ! I am a law student so won't be able to advise adequately. I will contact an Architecture student and will get back to you as soon as I have a response.
- KU rep and 2nd year Law Student
hey, I have my interview in 2 weeks for architecture, any chance you could please talk me through what happened and any useful tips? thanks

Original post by Ani_O
do you mind sending me the portfolio link please?
hey, I have my interview in 2 weeks for architecture, any chance you could please talk me through what happened and any useful tips? thanks
Original post by CiukStf
Hello, I have been accepted to Kingston University 2 weeks ago, if you want, I can send you my Architecture portfolio, so you can make an idea on how it might look like.
Hello, I am a senior student struggling with what Kingston wants and where to start on my portfolio. I've been looking for an example for ages, if you could send me yours I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you :smile:
(edited 5 years ago)
Original post by hanawaaya
Hello, I am a senior student struggling with what Kingston wants and where to start on my portfolio. I've been looking for an example for ages, if you could send me yours I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you :smile:

Hello :biggrin:

This might help you with your portfolio:

What course are you looking into studying? I can see if they have a guidance for the sort of portfolio they want :smile:

Best wishes,
Hello,I’m hoping to study Fashion design, however do the foundation in Art and Design first. I have seen the general requirements for the online portofilio, e.x 10 photos of things you like etc. however I am totally stuck on the layout what I should put in and how it looks like in general. Any help would be greatly appreciated :smile: Many thanks,Hana
This is a very old thread you might do better to repost.What I will say is if you go on Central Scool St Martins or Ual website you can watch videos about making portfolios.Mainly what is important is high resolution photos and daughter put all her pieces mounted onto A1 paper or A two [pick one].
Original post by hanawaaya
Hello,I’m hoping to study Fashion design, however do the foundation in Art and Design first. I have seen the general requirements for the online portofilio, e.x 10 photos of things you like etc. however I am totally stuck on the layout what I should put in and how it looks like in general. Any help would be greatly appreciated :smile: Many thanks,Hana

Hi Hana :smile:

You can view more detail about what kinds of things to include in your portfolio for the Art and Design foundation course here:

I highly recommend you visit that webpage as it also has video examples you can look at :smile:

Also, there's this video by one of our Associate Professors in Kingston School of Art:

I hope that helps :s-smilie: let me know if you're still stuck and I can see what we can do for you :smile:

Best wishes,
hi, I've been asked to create a portfolio for my application to film. Do you think creating a concise website page to submit my portfolio is a good idea? (I can embed work I've done and include the statement) Or does it need to either be PDF, YouTube, Vimeo or Flickr page?
Original post by greengoose
hi, I've been asked to create a portfolio for my application to film. Do you think creating a concise website page to submit my portfolio is a good idea? (I can embed work I've done and include the statement) Or does it need to either be PDF, YouTube, Vimeo or Flickr page?

Did you ever find out? Im not sure what format to do my portfolio in. Im also not sure if i should include storyboards as it isnt very clear or just film stills
Original post by Lauren_ciara
Did you ever find out? Im not sure what format to do my portfolio in. Im also not sure if i should include storyboards as it isnt very clear or just film stills


In the end I did mine as a PDF with pictures of stills, storyboards, concepts and had paragraphs along with them, I embedded links onto the pdf too, wrote the response for a short doc & basically fitted all the points from the website into i believe maybe 18 pages so I would say just read the bullet points as you go along. I was sent an unconditional offer for the course :smile: good luck with your application!