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Reply 1
I meet one of my distant guy mates every two weeks at a local hut for sex. it started 2 years ago and we hve never really talked about y - jst happens. He often says "anytime, its ur decision, wenever YOU wanna do it yet sometimes he doesnt turn up or txt bac and it annoys me alot.

Does this mean i like him more than good friends?


Ummmmmmmmm to be honest I'm more confuzzeled about the LOCAL HUT :wtf?: :wtf?: Sounds ummmmm very odd ^o)

IMO I don't really think it means you wanna be more than good friends with him. I think you just get annoyed when you get stood up like anyone would feel.
Reply 2
maybe you like him more but it seems like hes only using to his conveince with the not meeting up and texting bk. speak to him about this (y he dont meet txt ya and why ur sleeping togethere) next time you see him. and remember use protection!!!
Reply 3
**** buddies are a lose-lose situation in most cases. i'd advise not to. plus you can get bugs, get attracted to the person and the person might not return the feelings etc etc..they are big messes,i would stop frankly. they might be fun but they're more harmful than good
Reply 4
I agree with unseen angel, you might be developing feelings for him, but I think it has more to do with the fact that he stood you up!
Reply 5
He's probably stood you up so many times because he's off with other 'f*** buddies'.

You only like him because he treats you like trash and you wish you could have him under your control. He doesn't have any respect for you and you need to have more respect for yourself.
Reply 6
Noooooooooooo not another one of these threads. So tragic.

Sure, this kind of relationship can work but only among very mature, adult people.

You should ask yourself why you're only sleeping with this person. Are you no good enough for anything else? Clearly you're into him and just "settled" for this. Never a good idea.
Meeting on a regular basis like that adds something more than just 'casual' because you are going to get more and more dependant on his attendance, so to speak (excuse the formal language)! So if he doesn't turn up, it's a massive let down. Start weening yourself off this guy, and find someone where sex can be given meaning; unless you want casual sex. It's up to you, but remember, this guy may look at your meetings as mindless sex. Do you really want that? Or something more? I'd personally suggest moving on. 2 years is a long time: you deserve a fresh start.
Reply 8
I'm so bored with f buddy threads. The fact you are getting pissed off at him sugegsts to me you are getting attached. End of story.

However, I am more interested in the fact you go to a HUT to RUT. I mean, is it like a woodshed? In the snow? Are there yodellers?
Noooooooooooo not another one of these threads. So tragic.

Sure, this kind of relationship can work but only among very mature, adult people.

You should ask yourself why you're only sleeping with this person. Are you no good enough for anything else? Clearly you're into him and just "settled" for this. Never a good idea.

precisely what i was thinking.
There are two key types of f*** buddies.

Those amongst mature consenting adults who treat the sex like a sport.

And those who are immature/morally lacking and in whom it becomes a sex on tap source for one, and a 'nearly going out' for the other. In these its typically a younger/low in confidence lass, and a arsehole of a guy. not always, but usually.
Reply 10
it sounds like you're becoming dependent on him. F*** Buddies only work if you keep your distance. I personally think it can work, but only if you stick to certain rules and keep a distance from them.
That’s annoying, because you expected it...and IT didn't come :biggrin: I don't think it's anything serious.

And those who are immature/morally lacking and in whom it becomes a sex on tap source for one, and a 'nearly going out' for the other. In these its typically a younger/low in confidence lass, and a arsehole of a guy. not always, but usually.

You speak the truth although the situation where it's a girl using the guy is more common than you may think.
Seriously, why would anyone settle for a ****friend relationship? You're either using the other person or not good enough to be relationship-material and at the same time, you're limiting your chances of meeting someone special. Total crap.

As for the hut, maybe it's one of those "cottages" they have in Canada.
Yeah mate its cool, the things we thing of here, hope we don't upset anyone.But that shed must be well hot............wish I was in therre
Reply 14
tee hee hee **** buddies rock so long as u dont get emotions involved! thats a dangerous situation! its just sex guys
Reply 15
Its a hut overlooking the sea and it aint cold til we have finished. 2years is a long time but it's become such a routine thing now it would be hard to live without it. I dont think i have emotions for him because i cud not be in a relationship with him, he aint the type i wanna be with but we have become good mates. i like him almost as much as my best mate (but not quite). i dunno, theres no point in thinking about it
Why does meeting in a hut to shag just sound so seedy?! It's not the f**k buddy's the hut thing!

I've tried the f**k buddy usually doesn't work. Wean yourself off and find something better IMO.

PS Anyone else inspired to listen to "Love Shack"?
Reply 17
we go to the hut because there is no where else to go and it really isnt that bad, quite exciting actually. how do i wean myself off him?
i think too much emphasis is placed on sex, i mean in the end its an act, its you that has the emotions. Just because its a routine doesnt make it any less destructive. I think the problem with **** buddies is that it blurs the lines between friendship and more, and like some one said earlier, its some ones 'sex on a tap' and some one elses dependency(sp). Do your friends kno what is going on? and, are either of you in a relationship? I can speak from experience that to have a **** buddie you need to be mature enough to deal with the fact that the other person wants you for one thing and nothing else, i wasnt mature enough to realise that.
I meet one of my distant guy mates every two weeks at a local hut for sex. it started 2 years ago and we hve never really talked about y - jst happens. He often says "anytime, its ur decision, wenever YOU wanna do it yet sometimes he doesnt turn up or txt bac and it annoys me alot.

Does this mean i like him more than good friends?


maybe you do like him more than you think but it you like other people too?