The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I would recommend you see a doctor about it - but ask for a different doctor instead. You should never feel embarrassed with your GP. Anyway, I had bad acne on my back and shoulders, went to the doctor who prescribed me something, and two months after, it was gone. Trust me, it's worth it. Also, cut out processed foods, chocolate, crisps and fizzy drinks from your diet, and drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Although they say chocolate doesn't give you spots, trust me IT DOES!
Get a mate to rub some spot cream on them. If it's only the odd one or two recurring I wouldn't be too bothered about it, if there's a small community forming on your back I'd speak to your GP.

I know they're vile and usually painful but most people get them at some point so unless you're covered in them your GP might not be too interested...
Reply 3
How do you get rid of these? Its happened within the last two months and is quite random, Ive never had acne or anything (im 19) and its makin me quite self conscious (I cant go swimming etc).

I dont really wanna see my doctor about it, Ive been to see him a lot recently about other stuff and its getting embarassing.

I used to get this when I was 9 I think! I always thought talc and some form of moisturiser was really efficient. But if that doesn't work- then yeah, see your doctor as there maybe something more to it.
Reply 4
I think it's more of a hormonal thing than teenage acne. There are plenty of guys with that problem. You'd probably be best off getting some oral medicine or that plus some cream.
Reply 5
are you male or female? i used to get it when i washed my hair in the shower..turns out it was my conditioner - try washing your hair over the side of the bath instead!
Reply 6
I used to get this problem..spots on my neck, back and shoulders. It went away over time but if it's bad maybe you can get something prescribed at the doctor. It can't hurt to go see them.
Reply 7
Or try washing your back with Sanex or a Clearasil type face wash. Have a look at your diet too.

Do not squeeze them - back ones hurt the MOST!!