The Student Room Group

Confusion !!!


Well i recently split up with my ex about 4 weeks ago! we left on a good note and sed we will strat again etc!! anyway we both been really childish and we did not tlk or look at each other (this being hard since we work with each other) but we managed it!

Anyway on Sunday i kinda got it on with his m8 from uni and well kinda falling for him and i know he likes me a lot and he is really sweet etc. However me and my ex have had a txt convo sayin not tlkin is silly and lets b m8s and stuff and sed we gunna build our friendship up and see if we can try again! then i herd nothing!! so i went with his m8 (hu invited me to his tonight) However i saw my ex at uni today and i thought ill go and tlk to him! so i did then i rung him l8a in the day and he never never never answered his fone to me! so i asked if he wanted to meet up but he is wokring all week but he sed def next week?

So wot i am askin is? is my ex missing me? and willing to try again? or shud i go for the guy i bin falling for?


p.s sorry annoyomus but i know my ex's m8 reads this!! :tsr2:
hey i think ur ex may b missing me and wants to see u next week!