The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Get some cod liver oil in you :smile:

Most people creak or crack occasionally - my big toe on my right foot clicks if I move it sometimes, and my wrist does this grinding thing...

It could be the weather, it could be you need cold liver oil, it could be that that's just what your body does.

If it bothers you, see a Dr. about it.
Reply 2
Its whenever I put my foot in certain position it starts creaking loudly.
Reply 3
is it just a recent thing, or have you had it for a while?
Reply 4
had it for a while
Reply 5
had it for a while

Then unless it's hurting, I really wouldn't worry about it. If it is really bothering you a lot then I'd see a dr, but bits of the human body creak and click all the time, feet and hands being the usual places.