The Student Room Group

Is this good?

I have this friend. Him and I are really close, we talk every day and up to now everything was totally normal. Until the other night...both of us were drunk and we ended up sleeping together. I was totally fine with it. the next morning I just wanted to forget about the whole thing but he kept on referring to it. We talked about it and he admitted it was only a physical thing but that he wanted to keep on doing it. **** buddies basically. I'm fine with it but I'm not sure about him, I'm afraid he might start having feelings for me. I am not attracted to him really but I understand that he is towards me. I'm also worried about what could happen to our relationship as friends. I guess that it is already messed up. Is it? what should I do? Thanks for your advice.
Reply 1
there's a thread about **** buddied already. they're a lose-lose situation, might seem like fun but it'llbackfire in the end. just say no.
Reply 2
yep yep. forget about it.
Reply 3
run away now.
Reply 4
run away now.

Ha! yeah....
Reply 5
Don't. Do. It.
I've been tempted to before but say no, always ends uop one person getting more attached and hurt