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How do you know they think you're unattractive?! I dont think its necessarily true that indian guys are more drawn towards white girls, not in my experience anyway, and i also dont think whether you're indian or not makes a difference!
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous
How do you know they think you're unattractive?! I dont think its necessarily true that indian guys are more drawn towards white girls, not in my experience anyway, and i also dont think whether you're indian or not makes a difference!

They told me I'm unattractive and I've heard some of them talking about how I'm ugly (or people they wouldn't date and why, where my name would come up).
Reply 3
I dated an Indian guy. If a guy's attractive then he's attractive - simple :smile:. Although I won't lie as I (generally speaking) find white guys more attractive. As I said, there are exceptions.
I'm white british and no I do not find indian guys attractive. (Also, applicable to pakistani, bangladeshi guys). If I look at bollywood movies, even the most attractive indian actor is not attractive to me.
I tend to find white or european guys the most attractive.
Sorry but it's just my preference so appreciate.
Personally, I find white guys more attractive but there are always exceptions. However, I don't really think your skin colour makes too much of a difference overall. If a girl likes you, your skin colour is most probably not affecting that.
Original post by Anonymous
Is is true that if you're Indian, it's harder to get a White girl to like you? It seems like most of the girls I like (who happen to be White) tend to think I'm unattractive. Is this really true? And is it true that Indian guys tend to be drawn to women of White skin colour more than any other? Why is this?

It's all about being part African mate :biggrin: :tongue:...
It shouldn't really make much of a difference.....Saying Indian is too much of a generalisation.....Personality counts for a lot as well obv
Just because girls don't find you attractive, it doesn't mean they don't find Indians attractive....Maybe it's just you?
Reply 8
Original post by Foo.mp3
This guy's like an Indian Keano Reeves (less pasty, more macho version).. I can't speak for women but 'I would' :sexface: and I'd be surprised if most white girls didn't think a chap like that handsome :smile:

Yeah he's attractive. :smile:

Original post by Foo.mp3
It tends to be the dorky or slightly bizarre Indians who are not 'visually' attractive (looks/body language), and there may also be a case for different scents/pheromones having differing effects :holmes:

Yeah I think you're right. They have to be fairly westernised as well - that's just because dating someone of the same culture as you is more likely to work out long-term.
Reply 9
Original post by Lucia.
I dated an Indian guy. If a guy's attractive then he's attractive - simple :smile:. Although I won't lie as I (generally speaking) find white guys more attractive. As I said, there are exceptions.

Probably becos there ain't many around here (most of them r in India?)
Reply 10
Original post by isabel.palmer
Just because girls don't find you attractive, it doesn't mean they don't find Indians attractive....Maybe it's just you?

Yeah I think it is mostly due to me just being plain ugly. I see a lot of Indian guys with girlfriends (who are White). Was just wondering if me being Indian-looking made it a bit worse.

There's basically nothing about me that would suggest I'm Indian except for how I look.
Reply 11
i tend to have a soft part for them
Reply 12
Original post by Pink Liquid
I'm white british and no I do not find indian guys attractive. (Also, applicable to pakistani, bangladeshi guys). If I look at bollywood movies, even the most attractive indian actor is not attractive to me.
I tend to find white or european guys the most attractive.
Sorry but it's just my preference so appreciate.

i get what mean. Also, this is what i discovered. I am chinese, and i am quite popular among my chinese friends, but when i moved to england, it is no longer like that. On a side note, i find chinese, korean girls more attractive than white girls, so fair enough
Reply 13
Some white girls like some indian guys. Other white girls aren't attracted to any indian guys. Furthermore, some white girls like some indian guys depending on other factors.
Reply 15
Something is wrong with TSR when Mr. Smurf hasn't posted on a thread like this.
Depends on the person. I know a girl who has her own code word for an attractive Indian male. Lol.
Reply 17
some do and some don't. simple as that :smile: but seriously just don't lead the girl on and leave her at the last minute, because your indian parents don't want a white daughter in law. i've seen this happening so many times....
Reply 18
I was rejected a couple of days ago and later found out that she didn't usually find Indian guys attractive. Sigh...

Some do. Some don't. You cannot generalise an entire group of people based on the colour of their skin.