The Student Room Group

Anatomy vs. Physiology vs. Biomedical Science

(is this the right forum? if not, soz!)

I'm not too sure what the difference is between anatomy and physiology... I kinda have an interest in both of them but I'm not sure what to read at uni. I know Biomed gives you the chance to experience all of the little bits of biology like cell bio and molecular cell bio... I like antomy and physiology, I'm more just worried about future job prospects, I don't it to be too difficult to find a job after but I don't also want to be stuck just doing research work in a lab!

So, any help mucho appreciated. :biggrin:
Reply 1
Well anatomy is basically where things are, whereas physiology is how things work. Biomed Sci is sort of a general overview lol.
Here at Cardiff we have a great system, whereas we all do a common first year. As long as you have taken the right modules, you can transfer to any other degree scheme in your second year. I am currently doing physiology, but could transfer to anatomy, biomed sci, neuroscience or pharmacology. I intend to transfer to anatomy next year cos I like it better so far.
If you havent applied yet, you could look for joint degrees? I know Leeds does a joint physiology/anatomy degree. Otherwise look for a degree scheme like Cardiff where you can swap after the first year once you have found out what you like.
Yep, what the above poster said, except IMO biomedical science (which is to be covered in the course I start next week) is a lot harder lol and very detailed, I mean you're in a lab looking at cells if I were to give just an example of what some of us medical students do.

Also I personally prefer physiology to anatomy, but they're both in my field so yeah. When do you start your course anti_starlet?

Yay more people on here interested in what I'm studying :biggrin: