The Student Room Group

Would you be content...



...with being in a relationship for the rest of your life with the only person you've ever slept with?

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Reply 1
Hell No.
Reply 2
In short - Yes. A deep emotional connection with a person and raising a family is what I would consider to be an ultimate fulfilment, whether it is achievable or not is another matter...
Reply 3
girl afraid
...with being in a relationship for the rest of your life with the only person you've ever slept with?

Depends on the person; prospectively, I'd like to think so.
Reply 4
It's a bit hard to end a relationship with the words "sorry, but I want to sample more dicks".
Reply 5
Looks like im the only one then.......
Reply 6
girl afraid
It's a bit hard to end a relationship with the words "sorry, but I want to sample more dicks".

Subjectively, it's a bit hard to end a relationship with the words 'I want to sample dicks' per se.
I'm getting married to my boyfriend, and he is the only man I have ever slept with. I don't believe in sex before marriage anymore, which is why we're waiting (almost a year of celibacy so far, over a year to go unfortunately) and I just know that its going to be amazing. And who cares if I've "only" slept with one person, if that person loves me with all my heart and I love him more than anything? Why does it matter if I've only ever slept with him?

It just kind of makes me think, well, if I had slept with somebody else there would have been hurt feelings and emotional baggage and all kinds of things which I could have brought into this relationship now. And as it was, I didn't. I came in as myself and I'm in love and it's all great. :biggrin:.
Reply 8
Reply 9
How do you know there isn't better stuff available though?
Hell no I'd not be happy with that! I'm 21 and I definitely cannot see myself finding 'one true love' to spend the rest of my life with. If I was going out with someone I wouldn't cheat on them, I think cheating is pathetic.

If I wanted to sample what else was on offer I'd split up with them..cos if I'm in a relationship wondering if there's anything better out there then it's not a great relationship.

Bit late to answer this question though seeing as I've done my fair share of 'sampling' already!
Reply 11
I would be content with that and think it was a positive thing, rather than the fact I was missing out on anything...
I would have been content with that in my last relationship. There was talk about getting engaged and I had then only slept with him and I would have spent my life with them knowing that they would have been the only person I would have slept with.
I've only slept with one guy, and now we're not together any more I think it would be great to have a relationship with someone else and experience sex with another principle. However, at the moment there is no one who takes my fancy, and so I go home in the holidays and end up hooking up with my ex.... :redface:

Sometimes I wonder whether I'll just end up back together with him in years to come, without having ever found anyone else.
girl afraid
...with being in a relationship for the rest of your life with the only person you've ever slept with?
Yes. I'm still with him now :love:
Reply 15
Little Girl Red
I'm getting married to my boyfriend, and he is the only man I have ever slept with. I don't believe in sex before marriage anymore, which is why we're waiting (almost a year of celibacy so far, over a year to go unfortunately)


you say he's the only man you've slept with,,,and then go on to say you dont believe in sex before marriage and you're waiting..:confused:
girl afraid
It's a bit hard to end a relationship with the words "sorry, but I want to sample more dicks".

Yeh think we all would like that,but it ain't always right to do it
girl afraid
...with being in a relationship for the rest of your life with the only person you've ever slept with?

That should be the ideal senario. But for better or worse we live in sex crazed times....

That's not to say sex is bad. Between adults, having pre-marital sex or open relationships is fine. But when you are made to feel bad because you can still count the amount of lovers you've had on one hand, I would say something is wrong.

Should not it said that if two people love each other so much, they both should never wanna look out for new fun from other people.
girl afraid
How do you know there isn't better stuff available though?

There is better stuff available. There is always better stuff available. There will always be a better lover/car/job ect. Obsessing over what you don't have is the fasted way to drive yourself insane though, and you risk losing what you have now to get it.
Sometimes the risk is worth it however! But make sure to weight the chances of loss and gain very well.
