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17, one of my few regrets
Reply 2
I was 17 too and I didnt even enjoy it, its something I would rather forget because it was just with a random girl.
Reply 3
Not yet, haha :p: Ask me in about 10 years :redface:
17, with my current boyfriend, lol and i regret it too! For complicated reasons.
Reply 5
I was 17. With a boyfriend I'd been with for about 10 months or something like that!
17....lovely - one memory i will never forget in a million years. no one alive i'd rather have lost it to...:hugs:
Reply 7
17 too, with my current girlfriend. I don't regret it, but looking back know I got lucky; the timing wasn't right or anything, and if things had have worked out differently I would have wasted it with a girl I hardly knew, but we've been seeing each other for almost a year now, and we're happy together, so it worked out ok!
Could have been much different though.
Reply 8
I haven't and i'm 17 almost 18! as of yet again ask me in 10 years might have better luck then.
Reply 9
I was 18 and it was lovely. :love:
Reply 10
17 nearly 18... was on Christmas Eve :rolleyes: :biggrin:
Reply 11
I'm sure you could do a search for the 100000 other threads on this.
sooo many threads like this already... but i was 19, and it was amazing. i'm still with him.
Well. 8.
Reply 14
i was 16, and i dont regret it at all...
Reply 15
15/16, not sure which as it was that summer and my birthday is in the summer. No regrets at all.
Reply 16
13 with a prostitute.
In the back of a car.
last april with my ex, i was 17 and no i don't regret it!
18, 2 months off my 19th birthday.

It was a bizarre one night stand which has so far lasted over 2 years!