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Reply 1
My b-friends mum keeps hinting about meeting my parents...but they're so vastly different i'm dreading it!
we've been together almost 3 years..i guess i'll introduce them if we get engaged!!
Reply 2
no they havent and i am trying to avoid it at ALL costs. they would hate eachother:P
Yep. After we'd been going out about 8 months, I was going round a garden centre with my parents and my gran, when we bumped into his parents. I love his parents, they're really friendly and funny, but it was sooo awkward. My boyfriend wasn't there, so I got stuck doing the introductions on my own. They seemed to get on ok now. His mum and mine now talk and swap crime books and stuff.
I think meeting like that was a bit better than a formal meeting, but I think my bf got off a bit too lightly really, not being there!
I've been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years now, and our parents met each other at 18 months. They had sort of seen each other in passing for ages, and then we finally all went out for a meal. It was awkward, but not too bad. My parents had pre-conceived "ideas" about my boyf's parents anyway which was what I was really dreading.
They haven't met since :s-smilie:
Reply 5
yes, but not many times.
his parents don't seem to be overly talkative.. hmm.
but my parents knew his anyway because i was best friends with his sister first.
Reply 6
My b-friends mum keeps hinting about meeting my parents...but they're so vastly different i'm dreading it!
we've been together almost 3 years..i guess i'll introduce them if we get engaged!!

:smile: thats how I feel
mine have never brought it up :s: maybe they will in a year or so
Mine haven't met my boyfriends yet but it's just over 3 weeks so that's basically to be expected I think.

It took about a month for my parents to meet my last boyfriends parents and about 2 months for the boyfriend before that.

I think it will be longer for my now boyfriend though as he has a motorbike so doesn't need to be droped off/picked up as much so there's less opotunity for them to meet. I don't mind when they do. My parents always get along with the boyfriends parents and I can't see it being different for my new boyfriend as they absolutly adore him, hehe. Also it doesn't hurt that my new boyfriends' dad practically owns a pub and my dad is quite a big drinker so will automatically be okay with his dad lol.
yep. me n my gf started goin out on Valentines day :biggrin: but our parents had met each other b4 they have loads of times.

this isnt the usually person on this account. its his m8 btw.
Reply 10
I was with my boyfriend for just over a year and our parents never properly met. Our mums had a few very brief chats but that was it. I am kind of glad actually, it would have been so awkward! I really liked my ex's parents and saw a lot of them as I was always at his house (my parents wouldn't even let us in a room together without the door open, so we tended to avoid mine). I am not sure how keen our parents would have been on each other!
Reply 11
Mine haven't met yet, but I don't have any objections to it. The only reason they haven't is that we live a long way apart in the holidays and generally travel to each other's houses by train, so there just hasn't been an opportunity yet. It's not something I'm very worried about; I was more worried about ME meeting them (or him meeting my Grandpa, which still hasn't happened!)
i never really thought about it, but i was with my boyfriend 3 n half years and his parents met mine quite soon into it i think, cus they would give him a lift home and knock on the door and stuff. Never had a formal meeting tho....that wud just be scarey!
Reply 13
My parents haven't met his parents yet, because
1) My parents think it's too soon to bother with that
2) My parents and his parents live in different countries
3) My parents don't speak French and his don't speak English. Could make meeting up rather difficult.
Reply 14
Not yet - they do live 300 miles apart.
I can't wait to see it though, it'll be HILARIOUS.
Reply 15
My mum is a big conservative and my boyfriend's parents are hippies. But I think she's warming to them now. :smile:
Reply 16
Perhaps I'm too much of a granny - but I'd want my parents to meet the parents of any guy I was going out with sooner rather than later. I would never feel fully satisfied unless I had their approval and knew that they were sharing in my happiness.
Reply 17
Mine met each other briefly about 6months into our relationship. When we'd been together about a year, they had a BBQ together and got on really well!
Reply 18
Our parents knew each other in passing because we went to the same school befor we started dating in sixth form. They officially met when we had been together for about 6 months and my bf came on holiday with my family and now they come round at christmas and see each other quite regually because we live together so they talk about house costs etc. They also send each other christmas and birthday cards. So generally them meeting went quite well.
Reply 19
Hmm about ... 5 months into our relationship, her mum invited my parents over for boxing day lunch! I think they got on quite well, her nan was there too haha. We went to walk her dog half way through though :tongue: