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Reply 1
It hurts, but in my opinion it was no less painful than bad period cramps. It helps to have a few drinks down you. Without sounding crude, men usually prefer a tight girl, so don't worry about lack of experience. :smile:
Reply 2
That 'guy' ideally, should be your boyfriend- so in an idealistic world, he would not feel at all rubbish by your sex. It should be magical for both of you. I'd advise not to unless you're in a stable relationship.
Reply 3
it didnt hurt me the first time at all, but the second and third time it hurt quite alot and i bled on the second time.
No pain, no fame.

Just lie back and think of England.
It didn't hurt for me at all, and my boyfriend was quite big. I think it's just because I was completely ready for it and he took it incredibly slow. Was a great experience.
it didnt hurt me but it did the 3rd time but its not all that bad!
Reply 7
It didn't hurt much the first time for me but was uncomfortable. It hurt a few times after (if my boyfriend went fast, just had to tell him to slow down) but over time it stopped hurting. It's not painful now :smile:.
Reply 8
In a word no not a good idea, your first time will be much more special if it is with someone that you care about. The only person that I have slept with is my current boyfriend and I don't see that there is anything wronge with that. If the first person you sleep with turns out to be the one then why would that be a bad thing.
This whole concept of first times being more special when its with someone you care for just doesn't seem to work with me. The only person I slept with is my current female, but it didn't particually feel all that meaningful or 'special' given the fact she'd already been there and done that.
No pain, no fame.

Just lie back and think of England.

Reply 11
This whole concept of first times being more special when its with someone you care for just doesn't seem to work with me. The only person I slept with is my current female, but it didn't particually feel all that meaningful or 'special' given the fact she'd already been there and done that.

You sound like an animal!
edit: and not in a good way
Reply 12
Maybe shes not a girl, but not yet a woman... (To quote a person who is not an idol of mine).
Reply 13
ok it is a bit well....ouch! mmmm.. but its worth it to get to have sex :smile: I would defo defo recommend doing it in a relationship. it feels so cheap and horrible doing it with some1 that doesnt mean anything to u. Also word of advice: dont be in any rush to lose it. if u rush it u will regret it.
It was absolutely excrutiatingly painful.

I did not enjoy it. I don't think my then boyfriend enjoyed it.

Prepare yourself for the worst. Bear in mind that if he respects you he won't think "she's a bad lover,I'm going to dump her" because if he does he's an insensitive twerp and you deserve better.

But from then on its fine:smile:
Reply 15
it doesn't always hurt - it didn't hurt for me anyway... though i have heard other stories with girls who bled and stuff.

listen, you can't let stories like that put you off.. it might hurt, it might not... all i'm saying is that it varies from girl to girl so what one says, might be completely different to another.

as for an experienced lover versus a non experienced lover, the experienced one should bear in mind that the other person may be scared and not know what to do, so they should be prepared for that.. if they leave you because they think you are crap in bed, then there is no point being with them, and just say good riddance!
Reply 16
Better when in a relationship. It's more secure, comfortable and will generally be a better experience overall.

A casual fling, the person might dish dirt on you ie say how bad you were etc, or just care only about themselves etc. But its up to you.

I've had only about...two relationship, one being hardly a relationship at all and the current one being a proper one. You WILL have more than one relationship/sexual partner in your life. There is more than one 'one' too, if you know what I mean.
Reply 17
You said a couple of threads down you meet a guy every 2 weeks for sex he's your "**** buddy" or did i mis read it?
Reply 18
Yeah I know Jon, this anonymous person is a bit attention seeker...look at all the stuff they're posting:s-smilie:

Has your bf's head swelled to ten times it size reading that? :p:

I doubt it....

Firstly I'm pretty sure he doesn't come on this site, and secondly, we're no longer together.