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Reply 1
I wouldn't do it (okay maybe just to try it, and only in Amsterdam :wink:) but I'd never do it more than once.. I like my memory!
Reply 2
Makes me suicidal. Never again.
I smoke weed every now and again. I think its good for just chilling with friends, talking, watching films. Wouldn't recommend doing it very often, it eats up huge amounts of time. However, not as bad as drinking all the time...

Alcohol is by far the most damaging drug!
It won't kill you, and what people tell you will make no sense until you try it. At least then you can make an informed decision on whether to use it or not.
Reply 5
I smoke weed every now and again. I think its good for just chilling with friends, talking, watching films. Wouldn't recommend doing it very often, it eats up huge amounts of time. However, not as bad as drinking all the time...

Alcohol is by far the most damaging drug!

Have fun when mental illness creeps up on you.

Alcohol doesnt make you Schitzophrenic.
Reply 6
Alcohol doesnt make you Schitzophrenic.

...neither does weed. The part of the research that isn't printedall over the front of the tabloids is that the people who become Schitzophrenic in thei r research were probably going to develop Schitzophrenia during their lifetimes anyway, weed just speeds the process up a little.

Also please remember that you can actually survive with a mental illness, once your liver is completely gone you are as good as dead.
Reply 7
...neither does weed. The part of the research that isn't printedall over the front of the tabloids is that the people who become Schitzophrenic in thei r research were probably going to develop Schitzophrenia during their lifetimes anyway, weed just speeds the process up a little.

Also please remember that you can actually survive with a mental illness, once your liver is completely gone you are as good as dead.

Theres a research study somewhere that'll prove anything lol

Theres a reason its not in the media and is probably on some random pro choice drug website like erowid or something. As its rubbish. Its isnt genetic.

You just wait, when you get older you'll start to see people people around you fall ill due to it.

Reply 8
Also dont speak absolute rubbish about 'probably going to develop schitzophrenia anyway' Its not genetic.

Schizophrenia is largely suspected to be genetic, but that was not what I was talking about anyway. One of my aunts died of cancer, but I don't class myself as being a member of a high risk group, this is mainly because I don't smoke, and I don't eat asbestos sandwiches. There is far more to illnesses, and high risk groups than genetics and a single cause.

Mental illnesseses are most often caused for environemental reasons, whether the person has just suffered a traumatoic experience, or whether they are becoming depressed because of the area they live in. One link that some scientists have found (Which may not be true, seeing as knowledge about this illness is still sketchy on all fronts) most people with Schizophrenia live in poor areas, where smoking, drinking and drug use is most prevalent. A lot of the information on this illness remains largely circumstantial based on what actually causes it, with the cause changing every week dependent on who pays for the research.
Reply 9
You only develop mental illnesses if you are of that predisposition anyway.

As you said yourself, statistics can be distorted to show what you want, whatever'll make good headlines 'cannabis makes you mental' etc

Alcohol is definately more damaging.

Mental illnesseses are most often caused for environemental reasons, whether the person has just suffered a traumatoic experience, or whether they are becoming depressed because of the area they live in. One link that some scientists have found (Which may not be true, seeing as knowledge about this illness is still sketchy on all fronts) most people with Schizophrenia live in poor areas, where smoking, drinking and drug use is most prevalent. A lot of the information on this illness remains largely circumstantial based on what actually causes it, with the cause changing every week dependent on who pays for the research.

so you've just agreed with me... lol ? :tsr2:

drug use is a major factor, if you visit one of these places and speak to the 'inmates' (If thats the correct word) Theres very few of the schitzophrenics who havent been heavily into pot.

Its definitly enviromental as opposed to genetic.
You only develop mental illnesses if you are of that predisposition anyway.

Thats rubbish, the dispostion of a person is directly related to the enviroment of their surroundings. You could take anyone, and with the right circumstances make them mentally ill.

If you smoke loads of pot, you'll significantly increase your chances of turning. It took one of my friends with Schitzophrenia 6 years to recover, If you feel like having time just wiped off your life. go ahead.
Reply 12
Often there is no clear cause of Schizophrenia. Studies on families indicate hereditary factors in some cases; but in cases of identical twins, Schizophrenia is not present in both twins in more than 40% of the cases, which leaves a substantial space for influence of up to now unknown enviromental factors. Adoption studies show that adopted children with predisposition for Schizophrenia can avoid falling ill as adults if the host families have been harmonic, while the risk increases the less harmonic they are. In exceptional cases the causes have been drug abuse (e.g. amphetamin or cannabis) or brain damage.

That's the end of it.
Reply 13
drug use is a major factor, if you visit one of these places and speak to the 'inmates' (If thats the correct word) Theres very few of the schitzophrenics who havent been heavily into pot.

The problem is no one knows whether pot is the cause or effect of Schitzophrenia, or whether its purely coincidental. I was saying that a lot of Schitzophrenics turn to drugs, not that they were always on them and they were the cause. People have died whilst having sex, but you don't hear doctors telling you that sex is bad for you, mainly because the increased heart beat is the cause of a heart attack and consequently death. Many people who take drugs take them for a reason, they don't take them to be "cool", and if they do they're idiots. The majority of people where weed and schitzophrenia have been connected started smoking weed to help them forget their awful surroundings, which were highly likely to lead to them getting theillness at some point in the future anyway, people feel that weed if anything merely speeds up the process slightly.
Reply 14
El Scotto

If you smoke loads of pot, you'll significantly increase your chances of turning. It took one of my friends with Schitzophrenia 6 years to recover, If you feel like having time just wiped off your life. go ahead.

That's a rubbish argument.

Give me something, anything, and I will show you someone that has ****ed up their lives because of it.

E.g. a teen in Sweden was a compulsory coca cola drinker, she messed her teeth up for life.

You need to show that there's a substantial risk of acquiring schizophrenia from cannabis use - that's really not an easy task. A statement such as, "it will triple your chances", really doesn't say anything., as 10^-50 and 3*10^-50 still is pretty slim (illustrative example only).

On the link between cannabis and schizophrenia:

Some snippets:

CAN smoking pot make you potty? Even as the UK government mulls over evidence that cannabis can cause mental health problems, a new study suggests the link may be hazier than thought.

Some studies have suggested long-term cannabis use can increase your risk of developing schizophrenia

I think we can agree upon that long term use is unhealthy. But that really isn't big news. Drinking Coca Cola on a long term is also pretty unhealthy - so is sitting by the computer for too long a time.
Reply 15
El Scotto

drug use is a major factor, if you visit one of these places and speak to the 'inmates' (If thats the correct word) Theres very few of the schitzophrenics who havent been heavily into pot.

You can't make such a connection. Actually, it has been shown that people with schizo traits tend to start using drugs, especially cannabis.

The results showed that the majority of people who'd recently used cannabis had schizotypal symptoms before using the drug (Psychiatry Research, vol 134, p 37).
I have covered this issue, and am stilling running it on my rock site, and the many views I have had all speak in suport of weed. However from how those speak in the the interviews I have had with them, I do wonder if they after doing weed, have full control of their selfs.

I don't wanna sound a killjoy, but my view is it people who can't control there selfs while doing weed, they should not do it.

I like to think mankind has the sense to know to whats right and whats wrong, and not the guy sitting in number 10 Downing Street, London telling us whats right and wrong.
Reply 17
My personal compilation of the drug:

Try it if you want. I at least am not going to live my life without testing (no, drugs ain't my main objective :smile: ) as much as possible. But, for gods sake, stay away from coke, heroin and such drugs.

I would only support the testing of THC-based substances (cannabis) and LSD - if done properly.

It is often not the drug itself that is dangerous. Especially when it comes to LSD, the most dangerous part is what you'll do while intoxicated. Recently some guy jumped of a roof and died while being on LSD, in belief that he could fly.

If you want to test any drugs, always do it in a secure enviroment with SOBER friends that could easily take you down.

Back to weed. I've tried it a few times. Really unimpressed. I get a much higher kick from talking to that awesome chick in the bar, or sailing in the Swedish archipelagos. I won't test LSD, haven't got the nerves to do it, although my research (on reseach :P ) indicates that it can be tested properly.

There's one major reason for not testing THC though: if you like it too much you'll continue unless you have a strong personality. Long term usage is really unhealthy.

Most importantly, however, is that no girl thinks it's hot to be a darn junkie.
That's a rubbish argument.


Some studies have suggested long-term cannabis use can increase your risk of developing schizophrenia

you tell me its rubbish, then you go to new scientist and post a link which confirms what I said.... ? ^o)

It is often not the drug itself that is dangerous. Especially when it comes to LSD, the most dangerous part is what you'll do while intoxicated. Recently some guy jumped of a roof and died while being on LSD, in belief that he could fly.

This is as ridiculous as the argument "Guns dont kill, people do"

Think about what you write... wheres your logic...

"the most dangerious part is what you'll do while intoxicated"

And whats the cause of the intoxication? the drug... !

without the drug, he wouldnt of jumped of the roof.