The Student Room Group

GUM Clinic

Having read the post about 'vaginal openings', it's made me think about going to a GUM clinic to have a check up. I very much doubt that I have anything, but I'd like to go just for the peace of mind. Perhaps drag my friend along too since she keeps going on about STDs lately and how our generation needs to be more careful!!

Can anyone offer advice on what to expect?
Having read the post about 'vaginal openings', it's made me think about going to a GUM clinic to have a check up. I very much doubt that I have anything, but I'd like to go just for the peace of mind. Perhaps drag my friend along too since she keeps going on about STDs lately and how our generation needs to be more careful!!

Can anyone offer advice on what to expect?

They'll take you into a room with either a specialist nurse or a doctor in (probably the latter). they'll ask you a load of questions about secual history - how many sexual contacts in last year, when each relationship started and ended, protection used, type of sex involved, any iv drug use, any previous stds, any partners previously reporting stds, foreign travel, sex in certain forgeign countries (thailand for instance). that sort of thing.

The they'll examine you - basically you'll sit up ona bed with your legs open and they'll insert a speculum (may be uncomfortable but shouldn't hurt). this allows them to see the cervix (look for trichomanas signs, and any obvious cervical changes from hpv as well as being able to look for any signs of herpes or genital warts. they will swab the cervix. they'll also swab the wall of your vagina, and possibly your throat too (if you have unprotected oral sex). they will then poss ask for a urine sample and blood sample.
now the swabs they will possibly put onto slides right there and then and tell you within 30 mins if you have gonorrhoea, trichomonas, bacterial vaginosis or candida.
the urine and blood samples will be sent off to a lab and results come back in 2 weeks. usually the system is that they will ONLY call you if something is wrong with the results or they are inconclusive. those tests will test for chlamydia, HIV, HepB and syphillis.

it sounds like a long ordeal but it really isn't. it will take a total of 30mins with the doc, and no doubt about a few hours total waiting before and after.

Reply 2
In my experience getting an appointment in the first place is a total nightmare. Even the drop ins are very limited, depending on your area. Make sure you ring up now cos it often they get booked up at least 2 weeks in advance. Good luck, it's definitely a good thing to get yourself checked out so don't be put off!
I have to go too... kinda nervous about the questions, ive made some pretty stupid mistakes in my sexual history!
Reply 4
They're not there to judge you :smile:

I'll add that they might get a sample from your urethra. Be prepared for PAIN.

When I went the nurse said something along the lines of "why are you here if you doubt there's anything the matter?" :mad:
Reply 5
That's a brill attitude for the nurse to have.

I used to have one every year, along with my smear test. (Its more regular in Australia). Or, if I was in a relationship with someone and I was on the pill and we wanted to stop using condoms, we'd both get checked out. It made sense to do so.

I understand here it is such an effort to get an appointment at the GUM clinic and also at the docs - why is this?
That's a brill attitude for the nurse to have.

I used to have one every year, along with my smear test. (Its more regular in Australia). Or, if I was in a relationship with someone and I was on the pill and we wanted to stop using condoms, we'd both get checked out. It made sense to do so.

I understand here it is such an effort to get an appointment at the GUM clinic and also at the docs - why is this?

lack of government investment in GUM services.

I certainly wouldn't advise smears every year. its a complete waste of time if you are normal on your last one. It'd only serve to make you anxious.
Like Body CTs - if everyone had one i could garauntee most of you would have some oddity or another.

Although i think its important people who are worried get checked up, i can understand where that nurse is coming from. there are plenty of people who have had high risk factors - they've had an unprotected one night stand, or found out their partner has been cheating on them unprotected etc. and these people are finding it hard to get GUM clinic appointments within 2 weeks. you can see why a worker in this area would roll their eyes somewhat at the worried well entering their doors.

Reply 7
mine wasn't so bad actually. if you've ever had a guy come in you,then they'll check the uterus and use the uncomfortable (bit not painful) thing to open you up. you'll be feeling awkward and want to laugh more than pain or anything. they'll ask a few questions,nothing to worry about. if you've never had sex they'll just take a sample from your vaginal opening,a quick swab is all. it'll be over in like 5mins and they'll give you your results in a week or less even. so don't worry :hugs:
mine wasn't so bad actually. if you've ever had a guy come in you,then they'll check the uterus and use the uncomfortable (bit not painful) thing to open you up. you'll be feeling awkward and want to laugh more than pain or anything. they'll ask a few questions,nothing to worry about. if you've never had sex they'll just take a sample from your vaginal opening,a quick swab is all. it'll be over in like 5mins and they'll give you your results in a week or less even. so don't worry :hugs:

they check your cervix - thats the bit at the top of your vagina. you can feel your own cervix with your fingers (if you have the dexterity).
I say this because the uterus - your womb, is much further up. its a much more invasive procedure to go inside there, and is vvv rarely done on your age group - certainly never done for infection and std type stuff!!!

Reply 9
they check your cervix - thats the bit at the top of your vagina. you can feel your own cervix with your fingers (if you have the dexterity).
I say this because the uterus - your womb, is much further up. its a much more invasive procedure to go inside there, and is vvv rarely done on your age group - certainly never done for infection and std type stuff!!!


they went up into the uterus to check for chylamadia (sp?) or however it's spelt.she used the clamp thing with lube and all.
they went up into the uterus to check for chylamadia (sp?) or however it's spelt.she used the clamp thing with lube and all.

hang on. you mean she put in the speculum (the thing like a ducks beak) to open up the vagina. Then she used what looked like long pincers to grab hold of the cervix, pulled that, and then used the other hand to swab..?
or did she put in the speculum and then swab inside the cervix..?

hang on. you mean she put in the speculum (the thing like a ducks beak) to open up the vagina. Then she used what looked like long pincers to grab hold of the cervix, pulled that, and then used the other hand to swab..?
or did she put in the speculum and then swab inside the cervix..?


i couldn't see but she used the speculum to open me up i don't know about the pincers but i don't remember feeling pincers...she swabbed though after she used the duck beak lol that's a nice name :smile:...i can't remember but i don't think she used the pincers...probably only did the cervix...i can't remember...
i couldn't see but she used the speculum to open me up i don't know about the pincers but i don't remember feeling pincers...she swabbed though after she used the duck beak lol that's a nice name :smile:...i can't remember but i don't think she used the pincers...probably only did the cervix...i can't remember...

Ok. Yeh they didn't go into your uterus then. just the cervix. i know it feels like they are right up inside, but they really aren't very far at all.
Reply 13
lack of government investment in GUM services.

I certainly wouldn't advise smears every year. its a complete waste of time if you are normal on your last one. It'd only serve to make you anxious.
Like Body CTs - if everyone had one i could garauntee most of you would have some oddity or another.

Although i think its important people who are worried get checked up, i can understand where that nurse is coming from. there are plenty of people who have had high risk factors - they've had an unprotected one night stand, or found out their partner has been cheating on them unprotected etc. and these people are finding it hard to get GUM clinic appointments within 2 weeks. you can see why a worker in this area would roll their eyes somewhat at the worried well entering their doors.

Well, thats what we do in Aus. From the moment you are sexually active, you're advised to have a smear every year. What's the deal here - its like every 2 yrs?
3 years i think. if you give an inconclusive or abnormal smear then you are given one every 3-6 months until either the smear comes back clean, or you are referred on for futher investigation (cystoscopy) or treatment like LLETZ excision of the abnormal area.

Well, thats what we do in Aus. From the moment you are sexually active, you're advised to have a smear every year. What's the deal here - its like every 2 yrs?

you dont get smear tests in the uk till you're about 22 from about 20-something to 65 or something i can't remember coz that's when you're most likely to get cancers in your uterus and stuff.
you dont get smear tests in the uk till you're about 22 from about 20-something to 65 or something i can't remember coz that's when you're most likely to get cancers in your uterus and stuff.

cervix. smears are to prevent cancers of the cervix.
smears in the uk start at 23 or 25 (it used to be lower but went up recently).

cervix. smears are to prevent cancers of the cervix.
smears in the uk start at 23 or 25 (it used to be lower but went up recently).


that's waht i said and meant.
that's waht i said and meant.

I know you keep meaning CERVIX, but you keep saying UTERUS. They aren't at all the same thing.
Was just trying to be helpful was all.
Reply 19
^^^^^^^ Hahahaha. Hey Cee, why hide with the Anon bit then sign your name? Just outta interest, not having a go at you....

Methinks you are also the cystitus person? (As in, we debated, not that you have it.... )