The Student Room Group
I've seen alot of households get very messy through not following this basic rule.
Reply 2
No, a household is like a family, and you wouldnt sleep with your brother or sister would you? (I hope not)

A few people have got into situations with one another on our house, it gets out of control very quickly as everybody finds out etc.
Reply 3
Even if they're irresistible? :redface:
Reply 4
I know someone who has.
Two people going out in my flat.
Yeah why the hell not. I'm friends with all my exs (and F buddies), if you treat each other with honesty and respect, even if it ends, you can go back to how you were.
Reply 7
I have done it, we were sharing an apartment and thing developed without us worrying over whether it was a good idea. We were and are amazingly good friends so it was that strong friendship that made it easier to get through the tough times. He ended up back in Ontario & I'll be back in Alberta next week so obviously the relationship part is done for now, we are still very close though. I think had we been living together for a long time whilst going out it could have become tricky because you need space, even when you really like someone.

It depends on your level of maturity & his. At uni probably not a very good idea because you have external pressures from all your flatmates and friends knowing.
I wouldn't, for several reasons. When renting a house you enter a contract which you can't easily get out of without paying a large sum of money - if you choose to live with someone you're seeing, you can't see the future and know that you'll live happily together for the whole year. Small fights would be exaggerated by the close quarters and less time apart, and you may break up then you'd have to suffer the thought of the sleeping with others in the next room.
Also, at uni you'd have to have heaps of self control not to spend all your time together and instead to get on with your studies sometimes, to end up with a good degree. It'd also possibly reduce the overall length of relationship as you'd find out so much about that person at such a young age, whereas if you didn't live together the excitement and curiosity etc would be extended.
Reply 9
I would if he was Steve Jones. :wink: The tall dark Welsh thing would encourage me to throw all common sense out of our mutual lounge window..!
Reply 10
2 people in my house started having sex when they came back from drunken nights out. - He has a girlfriend, who he's now decided he wants to stay with (well he was never actually going to split up with her).

not a happy home life.
Even if they're irresistible? :redface:

I hope that wasnt in response to me saying you wouldnt sleep with your brother or sister. :biggrin:
Here's the deal. You really like someone, but you either live with them now, or you will be next year. Do you go for it?

I probably would whether it was a good idea or not. if u decide not to u wil jst be denyin urself of a possibly good relationship and if u really like him u wil find u cant really spend all that time together in a flat without taking a chance on him. better to do it outright instead of putting it off and ending up doin it ne way!
Reply 14
I personally wouldn't, but only from the point of view that I haven't and don't fancy any of my house/flatmates, and also from the point of view that I am already taken.

However, if I was single, I wouldn't rule it out. One of my friends met her boyfriend last year because they were flatmates, they're living together in the same student house now and will be staying put next year. Seems to have worked for them :smile:
I personally wouldn't as I tried to start a relationship with a girl I liked on my course. My friends kept on asking if we were bf/gf and pressured us to go out/kiss. They still talk about us despite the fact that I've told them to drop the subject.

She didn't fancy me back as "I wasn't her type". Completely ruined our friendship as I haven't spoken to her in over a month and I regret the entire thing

(Posted as anonymous as I don't want the girl or any of my friends to find this post)
Reply 16
Well think about it would you want to jepodise your friendship ..also if you broke up be kinda tricky and arauid.
Also theres the whole thing of youd feel youd have to make an effort all off the time and also you'd miss out on the whole getting to know each other bit.
I wouldn't personally start a relationship with a current housemate, just because it would put the relationship on fast forward. There is nothing wrong with having a relationship with someone & then becoming housemates because then it is a joint commitment made by both of you if you get what I mean!