The Student Room Group

Out of breath/ chest hurts

Everytime I do something involving moving quickly, I get this pain in my chest like there's a balloon in there and it's being blown up and then i go out of breath. I just had it now when i got out of the bath and before when I ran up the stairs. I don't think I'm overweight, I'm a size 10, Nine stone...have been for ages. And I'm o.k. when I do exercise or jumping up and down at gigs.
I don't know if these are related to when I was younger, about 11 years old I used to get really bad stabbing pains in my chest only for like a minute or so, because they went pretty quickly I never went to the docs about it. But has anybody had anything similar or thinks they know what it could be? I will go see the doc about it when i get a chance to make an appointment, but until then to keep my mind at rest.... x
Reply 1
I get that.

No-one has ever been able to explain to me what it is.

I'm not dead, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Reply 2
you could have angina, where you have pain before you exercise but then goes when you stop...but i think you're too young...go see the doc though,you shouldn't be having it and it's not stitches even.
Reply 3
Nah, it isn't angina.

I'd always told myself it was either intercostal pressure, or it was a palpitation.

Neither are worth worrying about.
Reply 4
it can't be a palpitation,that's when you miss a heart beat,my mom gets those sometimes...
Reply 5
it can't be a palpitation

Reply 6
Do you do any exercise generally?

It is quite common to get chest pains if you dont do any exercise then start running or if you have a lengthy injury which prevents you exercising your legs then when you start exercising it can cause chest pains... often i believe its lack of oxygen getting to the heart and lungs? If you have had an injury, the best thing to do is probably to try and do alternative exercise - when i had a foot injury i ended up on cycling and rowing machines as it was easier on the foot! If you dont do much exercise, maybe start doing light stuff at home so your body gets more used to it?

However you would have to be fairly unfit for this to happen so readily, so its unlikely!
you could have angina, where you have pain before you exercise but then goes when you stop...but i think you're too young...go see the doc though,you shouldn't be having it and it's not stitches even.

Firstly Coronary Artery Disease is INCREDIBLY rare in people under 21.
secondly angina gives a crushing pain - like someone is sititng on your chest. not a stabbing pain.

like someone said, i would place all my money on intercostal pain. It should be noted that some people get excessive pain like this due to the actual growing process (which is why its quite common around puberty) - 'growing pains'.

Some people recommend Evening Primrose oil capsules for it - they're pretty benign things that won't really do any harm, so are worth a try.

it can't be a palpitation,that's when you miss a heart beat,my mom gets those sometimes...

different people experience palpatations in different ways.
Some say they are aware of their heart pounding away really hard. others say they feel like their heart skipped a beat. some say their heart is racing away incredibly fast.
and, occasionaly people describe it as being painful

Reply 9
Firstly Coronary Artery Disease is INCREDIBLY rare in people under 21.
secondly angina gives a crushing pain - like someone is sititng on your chest. not a stabbing pain.

like someone said, i would place all my money on intercostal pain. It should be noted that some people get excessive pain like this due to the actual growing process (which is why its quite common around puberty) - 'growing pains'.

Some people recommend Evening Primrose oil capsules for it - they're pretty benign things that won't really do any harm, so are worth a try.


like i said Cee she's probably too young and we were taught it could also be a stabbing pain :rolleyes: i see you're still going anon.
like i said Cee she's probably too young and we were taught it could also be a stabbing pain :rolleyes: i see you're still going anon.

You never say never in medicine, but stabbing pain you would think a vast many other things before angina - and even then it wouldn't just be angina.
If you hear hoofbeats behind you think horsey, not zebra :wink:
The simplist explanation is oftern the correct one.