The Student Room Group
Reply 1
If you like to be dominated then yes. Sporty = manly.
well depending on the sport theyre likely to be more flexible/coordinated and be able to stay at it for longer
i'd quite like to take a gymnast to bed
If she plays golf she's likely to have a very good grip...
id say a girl who plays tennis,
they got good handling skills,
they can move their hips real nice,
and the noise they make isint bad. (everytime they hit the ball they make a 'uhh' sound)
Reply 5
Hmmm...I'm not really sure about this. Keep it clean please, everybody.
Reply 6
Hmmm...I'm not really sure about this. Keep it clean please, everybody.

It is clean:smile:
Reply 7
I think if a girl played football it would show endurance or something or if she did any sport she would be fit and not lazy..which a few girls are in sex.
Reply 8
lets just hope shes not a boxer...
Reply 9
Hmm what about dancers:rolleyes:
do you assume she will be better in bed? If so which sports will you assume? Ive taken this too far now but hey..:smile:

gymnasts are good. all depends on the girl tho, you cant really assume.
Reply 11
I horse ride...and I'm quite flexible. But a sport doesn't determine how good a gal is at sex and the like.
Reply 12
I horse ride...and I'm quite flexible. But a sport doesn't determine how good a gal is at sex and the like.

I'd agree, being sporty can help you to a degree in bed, but its really all about atitude
Reply 13
Stay awake from fitness fanatical girls. They have no breasts.
I horse ride...

someone once told me that that means I should good on top... (and i've never heard by bf complain :p: )

Seriously though, being sporty shouldn't be that mch of an issue. theres the thing where they might be more flexible or whatever, but if you don't do anything sporty theres nothing to say you can't be good in bed...
Reply 15
gymnasts anyone?

< 5 feet tall too.

can you say "broken in half" ?